New General

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She opened her eyes to Rose and Finn's faces huddling over her, their eyes wide with worry. Strong arms were wrapped around her, making her feel safe, and she realized that Finn was carrying her.

"What happened?" she asked drowsily.

"You fainted," Rose explained, placing her hand on Rey's forehead in a gesture unfamiliar to her. "Are you feeling okay?" A skim of her mind revealed she had been attempting to measure her temperature, something Rose had surely learned from her parents. It was something Rey had never experienced before. Rey felt a warmth, a deep attachment, to the woman who had shown her more tenderness and concern than her own family.

Her mind wandered to the other woman who had been the only mother figure she had ever known; the woman who had disappeared before her eyes as Rey begged her to help her find a way to save her son – the same man that her friends were preparing to assassinate. She could feel both sides pulling at the strings of her heart, unraveling her. Either she committed treason for a man who had shut her out, or she lured that broken man to his death. Tears bloomed in her eyes as the reality of it twisted in her chest. She didn't want this.

Her friends read the emotions that were clear on her face, but they didn't pry. Perhaps they already knew, but they stayed by her side. She loved them more for it. Finn gripped her tighter and Rose grasped her hand. "We love you, Rey," Finn murmured, "We're here for you."

She didn't have the strength to lie anymore. "I can't do it," her voice trembled with fear and sorrow, "I can't fight Ben." Finn set her down gently, grasping her by the shoulders as he stared into her eyes.

His eyes scanned hers, but there was a scrutiny to it. He was searching for an understanding or an answer she hoped he would not find there. "You can fight Ren," Finn assured her. "You are the strongest person I know –"

"She didn't say 'Ren,' though; did you, Rey?" a voice interrupted.


The new general of the Resistance.

He was the last person she wanted to see after what he had tasked her to do. She still feared his intentions after their confrontation at the base. She knew he suspected the truth. Their enemy's given name on her lips was the last word she wanted him to hear. "Poe, I didn't..."

He raised his hand to silence her explanation. "Ren...Ben... whatever name you choose to call him doesn't matter. Don't worry, you don't have to kill him. You don't even have to fight him," Poe continued. "All you have to do is draw him in close enough for the rest of us to avenge his mother and the rest of the galaxy."

"This is not what Leia would have wanted!"

The words were reactive, originating from somewhere deep inside her that rational thought couldn't silence. It was the most foolish thing she could have said to him, other than admit the truth, but she only recognized that after she had said it.

"I know what Leia wanted," Poe's voice was low in warning. "That's why she entrusted the Resistance to me. Leia wanted to save the galaxy by whatever means necessary. Yes, she still had hope for him – a hope she has clearly passed down to you. I don't fault a loving mother for wanting her son back, but you need to understand; she was grieving a boy who died a long time ago. Ben Solo was the first casualty of Kylo Ren, and we will be added to the list if we don't eliminate him first. Leia is not here anymore. And I know the only hope for that monster is a hole through the chest. We all learned that after he killed Han Solo; why didn't you?"

Rey couldn't tell him the truth, couldn't explain the bond that had allowed her to her know him. She doubted he would even if he did know. Her frustration at being caught in the middle boiled over. "I won't be part of this!"

"Yes, you will!" he retorted, his own anger building to match hers. "Of your own free will or as a prisoner of the Resistance."

"Poe, that's not..." Finn began, but Rey was already pushing past them in tears to flee from the new general's presence. Finn was intent on going after her – to talk some sense into her – but hesitated when he noticed the look of horror widening on Rose's features.

"Finn, I need to talk to you. now," she rasped.

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