Droid Parts

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Rey moved her few belongings into one of the quiet underground chambers of the temple. The chambers were aligned in a spiral, connected by elaborate corridors decorated with stunning wall paintings by an ancient civilization. She had chosen a room on the furthermost edge of the spiral, isolating herself from the rest of the Resistance.

The rooms were crafted entirely from stone, leaving a cold, damp feel to the air around her. The most depressing aspect of the rooms was the heavy, impenetrable darkness. No light from the outside world could reach the shadows there. The only light in her room was artificial, created by the disposable glowrods she had affixed to the torch sconces on the wall. Despite the artificial light, the vaulted ceiling was eternally cast in darkness, a constant reminder of the presence hovering tormentingly close in the back of her mind.

She set up her makeshift bed on a stone slab at the center of the room. It was more comfortable than what she had on Jakku, so she didn't mind. She rummaged through a box of droid parts by her bed, finding a concave piece to set the flower in. She scooped some dirt from the floor, burying the roots in a bed of crimson. Then she gently poured some water over the delicate, bruised pedals from her canteen.

"Don't worry, I can fix this; I can save you." She set her pack onto her bed and sighed, glancing around the empty room. Her best friend had saved them all by bringing them to this world. She was grateful he had found his place. The Resistance would thrive there until the First Order inevitably found them and they had to run again. Though Rose had assured her she could stay, the woman had no idea the danger lurking in Rey's mind. She was the greatest threat to them all.

Rey knew she couldn't stay there. If she loved them – which she did – then she knew what she had to do. She didn't have a choice. Her connection could lead him straight to them. Either she left the new base, or they all died. After what she witnessed on Crait, she knew without a doubt that he would kill them all. They would stand no chance against him. I have to leave before he sees this place.

The Force stole the choice from her, actualizing the very fear she had tried to prevent. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt a tightening in their bond. No, no, no, no, no, no, please, no. The Force vibrated around her, drawing them together. She was immediately surrounded by his darkness.

Not again.

Rey was paralyzed by fear. That is, until she saw him. Kylo was seated at a desk. She could see his profile, his back was turned slightly toward her. He was scouring over strategical plans on his screen with intense desperation she could feel. It must have been important, because he closed them when he sensed her.

They're probably plans for how to destroy the Resistance. No, what am I thinking? He doesn't plan; he just makes up his evil as he goes along.

"Can we not do this now?" he sighed. He made no other move to acknowledge her existence. It was agonizing to see him again. It was easy when he was gone to force herself to forget, but the moment she saw him, everything came flooding back, like removing a fallen boulder from a river. There was anger and disappointment, yes, but there was also a part of her that yearned for the man in the hut. Without his mask, it was not difficult to see that man in him. She hated it, because he wasn't that man. White-hot anger shot through her like electricity as she stared at him, and the darkness found her to soothe it. She allowed it in.

"Get out," she growled. He did not turn to look at her. Instead, he fixated on clenching and unclenching his hands on the desk. Her chest heaved as she stared at him, her body shaking in anticipation.

He doesn't care... He thinks you're nothing to this war, but you can show him... Kill him... Save Leia, Finn, Rose, Poe, your family... Do the entire galaxy a favor... No one will miss a monster... You will be the Jedi that the galaxy needed... You will be important and wanted... Show him that you are not nothing, a voice in the Force whispered.

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