Beginning of the End

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Ben took one last lingering look at Rey as she busily prepared the Falcon for departure. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt her, but he knew that it would be the last thing he did in his life. He couldn't suppress the impending dread that his final moments were slipping away through his fingers like sand. He knew it would be the last time he saw her, and he didn't want the moment to end. A tear cut down his cheek as he closed his eyes.

When he opened them, the connection had closed, and he stood before the blaster door of the Command Bridge again. He waited for the lightsaber beyond to finish its work, cutting through the reinforced door. Hux's labored breathing slowly weakened behind him. Though he sensed the fading energy of his former general in the Force, his wound ached sharply in reminder not to turn his back on the man again. Ben knew Rey had feared its lethality, but when he inevitably fell, it wouldn't be from that wound. The dagger had not done the damage Hux had hoped, but it had inflicted it in return. By trying to kill Ben, Hux had sealed his own fate.

"I may die here today, but I have mark on this galaxy, Ren," Hux hissed, delivering his speech through wheezing gasps. "Just as the debris of what once was Alderaan stands as a monument to the strength of the Empire, for millennia to come the remnants of what was once the capital of the New Republic will serve as a testament to the power of the First Order. They will remember the name Armitage Hux, make no mistake about that. It was my genius behind the First Order and mine alone. I built and commanded our dominant armies. I advanced our technological prowess. I destroyed the weak and stagnant New Republic. And soon, when the Knights defeat you, I will have eliminated every last master of the Force. My name will be apotheosized in history as the most influential man of our era." His chest seized from the exertion. "No one will remember the fallen Kylo Ren."

"She will," Ben whispered to himself. "And if there is an eternity after this, so will you."

"Go to Hell, Ren."

"See you there, Hux."

The lightsaber had finished its jagged arc through the heavy door. As the adrenaline pumped into his system, the pain numbed. He closed his eyes and cleared his mind. He could feel the Force flowing through his senses.

Forgive me, Rey. One day you'll understand. I had to do this.

He activated his lightsaber and kicked the intersected piece of door outward. He needed the element of surprise. Rushing through the door opening, he slid through the Knights waiting for him. No longer cornered, and strategically behind them, he began swinging.

He noticed there were only four. Two were missing, Dorsk and Jacen. Fear crawled up his spine as he considered the thought that Jacen went looking for Rey. No, he's here, somewhere. Jacen wouldn't have left him alive; he knew he was close. They overwhelmed him with strikes that he was forced to block and parry rather than strike out offensively. Jaina and Kyp attempted to flank him, and he jumped back.

He backed onto an elevated walkway, making it more difficult for the other Knights to surround him. The strength of the Force suppressive cage was minimal. Only the bases were secured under the entrance and exit of the elevated walkway, and the energy was stretched between a much larger surface area than the typical cage. But it was enough for them to feel it. Small manipulations easily moved through the barrier, but stronger offensive strikes would be weakened. He hoped it would discourage their use of the Force against him. Corran and Rayf followed him onto the skyway while the other two sprinted to the left, looking for a way around behind him. He knew if they surrounded him, then the battle would be over. He could feel the weakness draining his energy by the second. His knee faltered and he nearly collapsed. "Rayf, Corran, it's me! It's Ben. Stop! Please!"

If he hadn't already been backstepping, Rayf's weapon would have impaled him through the chest.

I have to end this. I won't be able to stand much longer.

He blocked a strike with his weapon as he pounded on his chest wounds with the other arm, searching desperately for anything to physically ground him. Darkness flooded through his body, devouring the pain, supplying him with much-needed strength. He knew it wouldn't last long. He remembered how quickly his body had given out on Starkiller.

Ben made a wide sweep with his lightsaber, forcing Rayf to jump back. He carried the momentum around and brought his weapon over his head and down upon the other Knight. The force of the strike sent Rayf backward into Corran, knocking him over. With only one standing adversary, Ben took advantage of the change of odds.

He back stepped quickly, letting Rayf charge him. He moved his lightsaber high to strike down upon the Knight, who raised his weapon to block. Rayf expected a saber clash, but Ben pulled it and spun to the right at the last second, letting Rayf's momentum carry him forward. Ben quickly impaled the Knight through his back as he fell.

I'm sorry.

Ben reminded himself that these men weren't the men he once knew. Sidious had molded them into weapons, and they would all die on this ship whether he fought them or not. This way, he ensured the First Order fell. It didn't eliminate the pain he felt at killing his former friend, but he used the anger he felt toward Sidious to pull himself deeper into darkness. Pivoting, he blocked the immediate strike from Corran behind him. He was caught off balance by the strike and fell backward. The skyway rattled underneath him as he fell onto his back. Ben barely blocked another strike from the floor, their blades clashing inches from his face. He tried to push back against it, but his arms trembled in exhaustion.

Corran recognized his weakness and moved in to apply more leverage to his saber. Ben's lightsaber sank down farther; he could feel the heat of the lateral vent on his injured shoulder. The skyway vibrated under his back as the other two Knights closed in from the other end. He kicked out and caught Corran in the knee, knocking him back.

Ben made a large sweeping slash around to give himself enough space from the approaching Knights behind him to stand. He positioned his body sideways, preparing to defend himself from a battle on both sides. He crouched over to protect himself best he could, but three against one in close quarters would have been difficult even at full strength. With the odds stacked against him and his strength swiftly fading, he would need a miracle to defeat them. As if in answer, he entire destroyer shuddered from an explosion.

He smiled.

The fall of the First Order had begun.

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