Enlightenment on the Bridge

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Kylo had only just stepped out into the corridor when the droid caught up with him. He hadn't spoken to the little traitor since he had protected the other BB unit in the war room. Not that there was much chance to speak when he was systematically destroying his quarters. The droid may have been naïve, but he was no fool. When he strung together his question in binary, Kylo sensed his cautiousness.

"I'm going to the Command Bridge, setting course to Dantooine, and destroying the Resistance once and for all," he told the astromech. Without missing a beat, the droid repeated his favorite question – why?

"Because they almost killed her." Blue was relentless, however. He could never just take an answer at face value. He was always poking and prodding, forcing Kylo to answer questions that positively unbalanced him.

"No, she won't leave. She's loyal to them."

The memory of her kissing Poe and swearing loyalty to a man who nearly killed her replayed in his mind. Why couldn't the droid let it go? Blue continued with his questioning, despite Kylo's quickly escalating agitation. "I only plan to take her prisoner, and, yes, I trust them not to hurt her because I am their Supreme Leader!"

Kylo was sick of the questions. First Rey, then the droid, did everything in their power to destabilize him – tempt him from his certain destiny – and then they betrayed him. His problems ended with the destruction of the Resistance. He had been distracted on Crait, but Luke wouldn't be there to save them this time.

He imagined Rey's stricken face when he arrived on Dantooine as he had on Crait – when he did what she had always feared he would do – but he shook it from his mind. He couldn't concentrate on those foolish thoughts. As Supreme Leader, he had a job to do. Nothing else mattered... or at least, it shouldn't have. His thundering heart wouldn't allow him to forget the significance of what he was about to do. His emotions were spiraling. It was the droid's persistent questions that he blamed for his instability.

"No, Blue! Imprisonment is not worse than death!" He stopped as the lie twisted in his stomach. Looking away, he slowly exhaled the anger that had been building. "It doesn't matter if it is; it's the only way I can ensure that neither the Order nor the Resistance kills her."

If the droid knew what was good for him, he would have let the matter drop, but he continued needling him with questions. "I have asked her. She will not leave her 'family.'"

The droid's final question finally pushed him over the edge.

"I can't leave!" he seethed, turning toward the droid, the unlucky outlet for his unstable emotions. "And I wouldn't have to do any of this if it weren't for you! She almost died because of you!" He could plainly see that his words were hurtful to the young droid, but he couldn't stop himself as the darkness coursed through his veins. It fed on the anger and fear until he was intoxicated under its power. "She could have died for a droid. But you don't care, do you; you just had to protect the enemy! For what? The droid was protecting his master; where were you? Where were you when they were firing upon me? You're not loyal to the First Order or me or anyone except your own kind who would kill you for his master if he was so ordered. You want the fighting to end, but it will never stop! You understand? Never! And until you get that, you're a liability to her... and me."

The droid rolled forward, pleading, but Kylo wouldn't hear it.

"No! I'm done with your foolish questions! Just... leave me alone! You're fixed, go find another master! My life was easier without you in it!"

He regretted it the instant the words left his lips, filling the void between them with poison. The droid turned and sped away, his domed head sloped forward in anguish. Kylo almost called after him, but he swallowed the plea for forgiveness. He knew the truth; the droid was better off without him. Kylo would likewise be better off without the droid, it only ever served to be a distraction. The remorse and sorrow that flooded his system could be used for strength. He refused to ponder the loss; he had a mission to complete. Turning away, he channeled his self-loathing into the anger he needed. He would finish it.

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