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Ben panicked. He could hear Rey struggling. He sensed her fear. As Ben teetered on the edge of the skyway, Kyp tried to shove him over when their lightsabers clashed. Ben saw Rey fall, stumbling backward without her weapon. He felt powerless; he couldn't help her. Even if he sacrificed himself to get his weapon to her, she wouldn't have time. She had to use the Force.

The Force, Rey!

Relief shuddered through his body as Rey summoned her lightsaber. Ben released his ragged breath as she impaled Jaina. She triumphantly pulled the weapon from the back of the fallen Knight and turned to him. Something about it reminded him of the throne room, and he had an idea.

Rey jumped in surprise when Ben summoned her lightsaber. He activated it and used it to gain enough leverage to push Kyp away, barely maintaining enough balance to remain on the walkway. Ben stood, gasping for air, with both lightsabers in front of him. He swung them out wide as he pivoted, barely missing Kyp's chest. The blades came down upon him crossed, ready to slash through the Knight's body. Kyp blocked the best he could, but his struggle renewed a strength in Ben. He advanced, slashing at Kyp with both blades, forcing him to retreat. He looked sure to quickly end the fight, but his leg gave out, and he collapsed down on one knee.

"Ben!" he heard Rey scream behind him. Kyp took advantage of his weakness and brought his lightsaber down on to the crossed purple and red lightsabers. Ben was exhausted. He shook as he fought to stand and gain leverage, the blades inches from his face. The lightsabers crackled and sparked as both men pushed into them.

Kyp was stronger, but Ben had the advantage—he had two lightsabers. Two lightsabers. Ben remembered the training. As Kyp pushed his lightsaber down against the dual sabers, Ben quickly deactivated and activated Rey's lightsaber. Kyp was left defenseless as it continued on its forward path. It came down at the base of the Knight's neck and sliced through him. Kyp fell back off the edge of the skyway. Ben collapsed onto both knees, deactivating the lightsabers.

Ben sucked in a breath as Rey ran to him. Her body rocked with relieved sobs as she wrapped her arms around him. He held onto her as another wave of weakness washed over him. Though he doubted that he could walk, he would try to make it, for her, so they could get on an escape craft. His breathing slowed as he held her while she sobbed into his hair.

"It's over," she sighed. His face was pressed into the warmth of her abdomen, her soothing scent enveloping him. It reminded him of damp soil on Chandrila after a light rain. He suppressed a sob, grasping onto her desperately. The smoke was rising around them.

You shouldn't be here.

"Why did you come back?" His voice was weaker than he had intended. She dropped to her knees, cupping his face in her hands. Staring softly into his eyes, she smiled.

"Because I love you," she beamed, as if they were the most natural words in the galaxy to say. "Ben, it's over, we did it, we can be together now."

"No!" a voice howled behind them.



Jacen dropped to his knees beside the body of his sister, guttural whimpers ripped from his throat as he smoothed the hair from her face. At some point between their charge of the bridge and his reappearance on the skywalk, he had shed the helmet and armor, an exchange of protection for agility. He had clearly not been standing in the shadows and observing; there was blood on his tunic. Where had he been while the other Knights fell? Ben forced himself to stand, handing Rey her lightsaber.

"You took her from me!" Jacen's eyes were wild with rage. "I will make you suffer, Kylo Ren, if it's the last thing I do."

"I know," Ben said simply. It was true, he had seen the vision. The events of this confrontation had all been laid out for him; this was where he fell.

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