Dark Knight Training

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The memory faded into a new one.

Kylo was pacing in an empty room, in front of a window overlooking a large building, the darkness she sensed in him split by the intense light she had felt before. The destruction of Luke's temple had not extinguished the light permanently as he had hoped.

Rey was hyperventilating – Kylo was hyperventilating – his hair gripped tightly in his fists.

His thoughts were focused on a conflict raging inside him.

I did my job. I used persuasion on the guards; my mission is complete. Everything else is out of my hands.

He had proven his loyalty to Snoke and the darkness. The Amaxine Warriors would do what was needed to ensure the First Order's survival. The bomb would be detonated at the breakfast conference with or without his help. That was it. He had to allow it to happen. Leia had too much power in the Senate. He knew she had become a complication to the plans of the Order. He was positive she knew what happened at the temple; it had been long enough, and she had done nothing to find him.

She'd had her chance; Snoke refused to train any of them until they had proven their loyalty to him, but she had pretended like he never existed. She was too worried about being related to Darth Vader. He knew all of that. She didn't care. And as long as she was alive, she would never allow the First Order to bring law and control to a chaotic galaxy. It shouldn't matter to him; she had lied, she had abandoned him, she deserved it for what she had done. He knew all of that, and yet, the foolish love for her wouldn't fade.

Kylo knelt next to the window, resting his head in his hands, the sun of Hosnian Prime warming his shoulders. He searched for guidance in the darkness, but something deep inside him, something the darkness could not touch begged him to save her. He began pacing again, his heart beating wildly in his chest, as he tried to convince himself that his mother deserved to die. But the drive to save her remained.

I can't. I can't stand here and let her die.

No, there's nothing I can do, it's too late, the bomb has been set. I can't stop it.

I have to...

His eyes scanned the empty room, desperate for an answer. His gaze fell upon his pack.

I have to warn her.

The message would have to be brief – and messy so she didn't recognize his writing. She could never know he warned her. He opened the pack and removed a stylus and ink from inside. He had no parchment, but he knew there must be something he could write a message on in the conference room. He moved to the window, reaching into the Force to map a layout of the room.

I could find something, a poster, a sign...a streamer and hide it under a napkin at her assigned seat so only she can find it...

From the window, he caught a glimpse of a strong Force signature walking across the courtyard. Leia. He immediately withdrew from the Force and blocked his energy to the best of his abilities, hoping she had not sensed his presence. Her hair was arranged in a perfect Alderaanian braid, and her smile caused a crushing pain in his chest. Rey was taken aback by the strength of the love that remained in Kylo's heart for his mother.

Leia was speaking to a man he did not recognize, unaware of the fate awaiting her at the conference. Kylo could have walked across the courtyard and warned her himself, but he didn't want her to know it was him. He couldn't look in her eyes as she stared at her fallen son. He remembered the expression on her face when she spoke about his grandfather; he couldn't let her see the monster he was. As deeply as he ached to see her, to ask her why she had abandoned him, he made his decision. He would leave the warning for her, and after that, he could be done with her.

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