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Rey had made it to the caves; she would finally be a Jedi. She hugged the two friends who had stood by her through it all, preparing herself to take one fateful step closer to her destiny.

"Thank you for coming with me," she told them. Rose hugged her first, supportive and warm, though Rey knew Rose didn't understand the significance of being there. Finn hugged her next, grasping her in his famously tight embrace that left her little doubt that she was loved. It was, however, suspiciously affectionate after their recent argument. He had a strange expression on his face, as if he didn't want to tell her something. She was not in the mood to discover the reason.

It can wait. I'll ask him after I find my crystal.

She stood at the edge of the sprawling darkness. A tension grasped her, luring her toward the chasm. This is where I am supposed to be. She steadied her breathing, wrapping a makeshift harness around her waist. The others worked to secure the end, staying behind on the surface. It was a journey she knew she had to make alone. Her fear of what lay down there for her wasn't enough to stop her; she could do this. It was the only way she would find her place. She sighed, rallying her courage, then climbed down into the wide crevasse. The heights didn't bother her, not when she had once scaled the wreckage of Star Destroyers. The kybernite clawed into the flesh of her hand as she slowly made her way into the darkness. She could feel warmth... energy... surrounding her as if the cave was alive. The Force vibrated with different energy, and she realized that each of the millions of shimmering crystals lining the walls had its own energy.

There are so many. They all look beautiful. How will I know which one is the right one?

"Are you okay down there?" Finn called uneasily. He was the best friend anyone could ask for. He was always there when she needed it, looking out for her. She hoped he knew how important he was to her. She didn't want her feelings for Kylo to change anything between them. He was the family she never had. Rey smiled up at him, scrunching her nose.

"I'm a scavenger, remember?"

As she climbed down farther, she started to hear it. Those whispers. The calling. She remembered it from Takodana and Ahch-To. She closed her eyes and followed the beckoning; the Force was guiding her again to her destiny. The same magnetism that drew her to Kylo now drew her farther into the cavern. She climbed deeper and deeper along the wall, drawn to the whispers that spoke to her soul.

What will I do once I find it? What color will it be? Will it be blue like Luke's? What if it is red like Ben's? What will I do? What will he do? I don't even know how to make a lightsaber. I need his help. Will he still help me like he promised?

She climbed deeper, following the summoning in her soul. In the dark of the crevasse, she could see something glowing, calling to her. She knew. It was on the opposite wall but just within her reach. It was small but beautiful, and under a ledge on its own. It's mine. It was perfect.

She held herself up by bracing her legs on either side of the wall, then worked quickly to dislodge her crystal from the ledge. Its energy flowed through her, warming her soul. If she ever believed in destiny, it was in that moment. As she pulled it out from the wall, the energy in the cavern changed.

"I found it!" She yelled up to her friends joyfully, but they didn't answer. She turned around to see if she could see their silhouettes illuminated against the sky but was distracted by loud shouts and blasterfire. She would recognize the sound of those mechanized voices anywhere. The First Order. Rose had trusted Kylo with their location, and he had come for them. He believed she hated him, he knew she had been hiding her connection to Sidious from him, and, though she feared what he would do, she had never imagined that he would do this. There were more shouts, and the rope that had secured her to the surface tumbled over the edge, slithering and curling in the lights as it fell past her with a whoosh into the darkness below. She lowered the barriers in her mind. Ben, please don't hurt them, she begged through the bond.

The sound of ship engines from above drew her attention. As she stared up at the blinding Ilum sky, she expected to see Kylo's ship flying overhead, but it was another ship. It wasn't First Order or Resistance. The Force guided her to the truth. The Hutts. They began firing in the direction of the blasterfire. The resulting explosions vibrated through the cavern, breaking free a fine dust of snow from the walls. They've come to protect us from the First Order. The blasterfire and shouts faded away as the energy in the room changed. She turned at the sound of a shuddered breath to the wild eyes of her bondmate.


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