Chapter 3

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N): "Or should I call you. . . . Ozma?"

Ozpin narrowed his eyes at (Y/N).

Ozpin: "Who are you?"

(Y/N): "I am (Y/N) (L/N) and I have to say, having a war while hiding it from public knowledge is an impressive achievement."

Ozpin: "How much do you know?"

(Y/N): "Enough to the fact that I have met Salem."

Ozpin stayed silent as (Y/N) knew that he was studying him.

Summer: "(Y/N)! What are you doing!?"

(Y/N): *telepathically* "Answers Summer, answers."

Summer: "But why now!?"

(Y/N): *telepathically* "You'll know soon enough."

(Y/N): "So! Ozpin- or Ozma? You know what I'm just going to call you 'Oz'. So! Oz, you probably have questions." *sits in a comfortable position* "Ask and you shall receive, I'm not one to lie."

Ozpin: "Are you on her side?"

(Y/N): "Nope!"

Ozpin: "Are you on our side?"

(Y/N): "Nope!"

Ozpin: "Then whose side are you on?"

(Y/N): "I'm on my own side. I'm not one to take part in pointless wars. When I met Salem, she asked me one favour, and I complied, though there was a catch. So! I'm here to even the odds! You can ask me one thing and I will comply, but there will be a few conditions!"

Ozpin: "And they are?"

(Y/N): "One! I want to attend your school, Ruby Rose is kind of under my custody."

Ozpin: "Meaning?"

(Y/N): "I was asked to protect her and her half-sister by Summer Rose."

Ozpin's eyes widened.

Ozpin: "Is. . . is she alive?"

(Y/N): "Sadly, she died." 'But she lived!'

Summer: "Hey! I'm right here!"

(Y/N): *telepathically* "But as a soul."

Summer: ". . . True."

Ozpin: "I. . see. What are your other conditions?"

(Y/N): "Two! I want to be on my own team, along with one other person who is with me."

Ozpin: "Can she be trusted?"

(Y/N): "I've known her for most of my life, she can be trusted."

Ozpin: "Is that all?"

(Y/N): "At the moment, yes, now your turn to continue asking your questions."

Ozpin: "Why are there no records about you?"

(Y/N): "I am from another world."

Ozpin: "I see. Why are you here then?"

(Y/N): "I have come here to kill someone."

Ozpin: "Okay, any other things I would want to know about you?"

(Y/N): "I am immortal."

Ozpin narrowed his eyes.

Ozpin: "Which type? Me or Salem?"

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