Chapter 6

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Yo ✌🏼

Okay, so the results for the poll are: Have your own room!

Third Person POV

(Y/N), Est and Summer were walking towards their dorm room, when they bumped into Team RWBY.

Ruby: "Hey (Y/N)! What're you doing here?"

(Y/N): "Our dorm room is here."

Ruby: "Oh! I guess we're neighbours!"

(Y/N): *chuckles* "I guess we are."

The two stay in silence until Ruby breaks it.

Ruby: "My team is really tired so we're gonna go sleep."

(Y/N): "Alright, oh! And Ruby!"

Ruby: "Hmm?"

(Y/N): "Congratulations on becoming a team leader!"

Ruby: *blushes* "Oh! Um! Thanks!"

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Ruby: "Bye now!"

Ruby then enters her team's room. (Y/N), Summer and Est also enter their own room, the room is like the other dorms, enough space for a four-man team, one bathroom, however the only difference was that there were only two beds in the middle of the room.

(Y/N): "Well at least we don't have to make a home in an abandoned building."

Est: "Agreed"

Summer: "What do you guys mean?"

(Y/N): "Just another 'other dimension' memory. More importantly, I'm gonna go explore!"

Est: "I'll come too."

(Y/N): "No, you get some sleep, you've earned it."

Est: "Bu-"

(Y/N): "Ah! No means no, Est, I'll get you some cookies and chocolate for breakfast."

Est: *pouts* "Fine."

Est then lays down on the bed, while (Y/N) and Summer start exploring Beacon.

With Ozpin

Glynda enters the office and walks towards Ozpin.

Glynda: "Professor, I've gotten the information you wanted."

Ozpin: "Ah~ Glynda! What did you find?"

Glynda: "As you had asked, I have confirmed that there are no records about (Y/N) (L/N) and Terminus Est, both of them had not existed until 7 years ago."

Ozpin: "What else did you find?"

Glynda: "At the time around when (Y/N) (L/N) and Terminus Est's existence was known, a town on the outskirts of Vale had reported hearing a loud roar which had awoken all of the inhabitants."

Ozpin: "Did they describe it?"

Glynda: "The roar was described to be 'a loud and deafening sound which stroke fear into our very souls'. Upon further investigation, it was concluded that the roar was similar to a dragon's."

The Dragon of The Demons (RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now