Chapter 14

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) wakes up with a loud yawn as he sits up, looks at his surroundings and gets up. He looks at the time noticing that he had overslept making him panic for a second before realizing it was the weekend, also noticing that Summer hadn't been nagging him to wake up 30 minutes before the alarm should've rang.

(Y/N): *sighs* "What is she doing now?"

Summer then fazes through the door and spots (Y/N) sitting on the bed.

Summer: "Hey, You're awake."

(Y/N): ". . . Yes, I was trying to cross the border."

Summer: ". . . . What?"

(Y/N): "Huh? Oh. . . Sorry, force of habit."

They both stay in silence as Summer contemplates what she had heard.

Summer: "Oookaayyy. . Where were you? I was surprised that Est hadn't gone after you."

(Y/N): ". . I just went to an acquaintance, had to talk to them about something. Est didn't come after me because I had informed her before leaving."

Summer: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

(Y/N): "It was urgent, I didn't tell Est in person either, I told her telepathically."

Summer: "Oh, okay."

The two stay in silence while Summer sits on her bed, (Y/N) decides to break it.

(Y/N): "Enough about that, where were you?"

Summer: "I was just looking around, feeling nostalgic. I came back because I felt that tugging sensation you warned me about."

(Y/N): "Good to know that you're taking my warnings seriously."

Summer: "I'm not a kid! I always take warnings seriously!"

(Y/N): ". . . Then the warning to not enter my mind was an exception?"

Summer: ". . . ."

(Y/N): *sighs* "I'm sorry. . . . . I forgot that you're not used to those types of memories."

(Y/N) then gets up and heads to the washroom to wash up. Leaving Summer in the room along with a sleeping Est. Summer then clenches her hands.

 Summer then clenches her hands

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Summer: *muttering* ". . How can he say that so easily."


(Y/N) and Summer were walking through Beacon Academy as Est hadn't waken up. The two were walking until they reached a corridor where there were many students, they thought nothing of it and kept walking until the two started hearing some. . . disturbing rumors.

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