Chapter 31

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Third Person POV

(Y/N): " That is. . . a demon." He spoke with venom in his voice, his bloodlust leaking from his body as he glared at the four-legged creature.

Summer: "W-what!? How!?" Summer spoke with fear at the amount of power radiating of off the creature. She took a step back while the demon slowly moved towards them.

(Y/N): "They came faster than expected, they must really not like me. . . Well, the same goes for me." He chuckled at his words for a bit before glaring at the demon again.

Summer: "B-but I thought they left you alone!?" Summer struggled to acknowledge the existence of the being in front of her as she wished it was all a hoax, sadly it wasn't.

(Y/N): ". . . . . Who says it's after me?" He questioned Summer, who was shaking with fear as her eyes widened as she looked at him.

Summer: "T-t-then why— AHHH!!" Summer was cut off by the demon lunging at the two of them, but was knocked back by (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Summer, you need to focus." He calmly pointed out to the spirit. "At this rate, you'll start doing foolish things, calm yourself." Summer tried to listen to his words, but was failing as she was being overtaken by fear. "Tch, I'm not getting through." He then mentally called out to Est before he blocked the demon's lunge again.

After a few minutes of the demon trying to get to Summer but being knocked back by (Y/N), Est appeared next to them. She was about to ask (Y/N) for the reason of her summoning before her eyes set on the demon.

Est: "What did you call me fo—" As soon as her eyes landed on the demon, she stood there for a few seconds, her face not visible, she then looked up at the demon, pure rage was evident on her face, she summoned ten swords around her, she moved closer to the demon while it roared at her, she was about to strike at the demon, but (Y/N) then called out to her.

(Y/N): "Est! Don't do it!" He called out to her in an effort to stop her. Est looked back at him in surprise, her voice staying calm, but aggressive.

Est: "Why?" She asked him calmly though her voice carried aggression, (Y/N) instead motioned her to a confused Summer, Est didn't understand what (Y/N) was trying to tell her for a few seconds due to her rage, but eventually she calmed down and understood what (Y/N) was implying, she de-materialised the swords before slowly walking to Summer while glaring at her, frightening the woman even more, when she reached her, she took her hand and vanished. (Y/N) waited for a bit until he was sure that their presences had vanished, he then smirked before blocking the demon's attack, but this time he held its jaw in place.

(Y/N): "Now then, we have some catching up to do. . . . Fellow Demon."


Team RWBY were walking around Beacon's courtyard near the cliff, where the initiation took place, as to get closer to each other, they were talking about different things when their conversation's topic switched to someone they were very acquainted with.

Yang: "So! Little sister, care to fill us in on what happened when you were in (Y/N)'s dorm?" She teased her sister while also being genuinely interested, the girl in question turning red while the other two listened in with great interest.

Ruby: "N-nothing!" She tried to dismiss the question but unfortunately, it wouldn't be easy.

Yang: "It doesn't sound like it~" Yang teased her sister further, causing Ruby to turn a shade of red similar to her cape.

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