Birthday Special!!!

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Yo ✌🏼

(So! Today is one of my big cousin-sister's birthday, she reads my story and proofreads them before I publish them, she's helped me a lot in making me write the story as best as I can and I am very grateful to her. So in a way to celebrate her birthday, I'm dedicating this chapter to her. Oh! Happy Birthday ArabianEyes. Lots of Love!

Also the birthday in the story will be Yang's, because my cousin likes her the most in the story.

This chapter also has nothing to do with the actual story, this is just a celebration because I'm too shy to say it to her by myself, hence why I'm making this chapter)

Third Person POV

(Y/N) wakes up in a daze, he looks down to see Est nuzzled up to him, he sighs before noticing that he was in an exceptionally good mood, he got up and strolled towards the washroom, washed his face and heard humming while he was getting out, curious he went towards the sound and saw an energetic Summer humming happily.

(Y/N): "Someone is in a good mood today."

Summer: "Huh? Oh, (Y/N)! Of course I am! It's Yang's birthday!"

(Y/N): "Really? How old will she be?"

Summer: "I think 18?"

(Y/N): "You 'think'?"

Summer: "Hey! I lost track of time over the years being tortured!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah, excuses."

Summer proceeded to yell at (Y/N) while the later waved the spirit off.

(Y/N): "Fine, fine. I guess we'll make a surprise birthday party for her."

Summer: *squeals* "Really!? Thank you! You're the best!"

Summer then hugged (Y/N) with a death grip that could suffocate a polar bear.

(Y/N): "Su. . mmer. . . Can't. . . Bre. . ath!!"

Summer seems to notice her grip, indicated by her eyes widening and her immediately breaking her grip.

Summer: "Oh! Sorry! I'm just so excited!"

(Y/N): *catching his breath* "Your excitement needs to be controlled."

Summer: "Okay! Let's get the others!"

Summer then runs towards the door, phasing out of it and her humming growing distant.

(Y/N): *sighs* "Well then, at least I have something to do."

Summer's head pops through the door.

Summer: "Are ya coming?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah. Let's go get the others."

(Y/N) walks out the door while Summer hurriedly drags him towards Team RWBY's dorm. (Y/N) knocks on the door and waits for a bit, before hearing fumbling from the other side of the door, the door then opens and a yawning Ruby, who was in her nightgown and had messy hair, stood there.

Ruby: *yawns* "Who. . is . it?"

Ruby's sight focuses onto (Y/N) before her eyes widen, she takes one more look at (Y/N) before she slams the door shut, earning a yelp from Summer.

(Y/N): "Well that was rude, wonder why she did that?"

Summer: "Ehehe. . ."

They hear things being thrown around for a few seconds before the door opens back up, with a neatly dressed and combed Ruby.

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