Chapter 27

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) wakes up early in the morning, feeling that something was wrong, after a few seconds of silence, he gets up and heads to the washroom, washes his face and moves to the infirmary where he sees a still unconscious Ruby and Summer sitting on a chair next to her.

(Y/N): "Of course you came back."

Summer: "Huh? Oh, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): *yawns* "What's wrong?"

Summer: ". . . . . Did you know that this would happen?"

(Y/N): ". . Know what would happen?"

Summer stands up, before she looks at (Y/N) with a glare.

Summer: "Stop playing dumb! You knew that this would happen, didn't you?!"

As Summer blinks, (Y/N) immediately appears in front of her, scaring her and causing her to back away. (Y/N) stares at Summer blankly while she shoes away from him.

(Y/N): ". . . I knew something was wrong."

Summer: "W-what?"

(Y/N) grabs Summer's arm and forces it to him, a black spot was on the upper part of her elbow.

(Y/N): ". . What have you done?"

Summer: "W-what? I-I just stayed here."

(Y/N): "You didn't come find me when you felt the tugging sensation?!"

Summer: "Y-yeah. What of it?"

(Y/N): "You idiot, after all the trouble I went for protecting you, you ignored the one thing I told you!"

Summer shrunk down as (Y/N) yelled at her, scared at how (Y/N) was worried. (Y/N) grabs his head before he hovers his hand over Summer's arm, but after their was a small glow, the glow immediately dimmed, (Y/N) took his hand away from her arm.

(Y/N): "Tch, I could do this myself but my powers sealed, I'll have to get Est."

Summer was confused and scared, while (Y/N) walked to the middle of the room and took a deep breath before shouting.

(Y/N): "Free cookies and Head pats from (Y/N)!"

This seemed to echo in the room as the phrase sunk in.

Summer: ". . . Huh?"

(Y/N): "Give it a second, she's asleep."

Summer's confusion soon came to an end as she heard rumbling coming from outside the door while no one noticed Ruby's hand twitch, soon the door burst open and a star-eyed Est stood there before her eyes set on (Y/N) and zoomed into him.

(Y/N): "OOF!" *grunts* "W. . orks every time."

Est: *excited* "Where's the cookies? Where's the head pats!?"

(Y/N): *grunts* ". . . You'll get them, but we have to first do something important."

Est: "Nothing is more important than your cookies and head pats."

(Y/N): "This is serious, Est."

Est's demeanour changed as her eyes narrowed while looking at (Y/N).

Est: ". . . Okay, what is it?"

(Y/N): "Summer was corrupted."

Est's eyes seemed to widen a bit before she turned to glare at Summer, who shrunk from Est. Est then marched over to Summer and covered her body in a silver-blue glow, she then grabbed Summer's arm and turned it to see the corrupted spot.

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