Chapter 19

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) woke up and started his daily routine, he went to the washroom and took a shower, then wore his clothes before walking outside and noticing that Summer was not in the room.

(Y/N): *sighs* "Where has she gone off to now?"

He then nudged Est to wake up, she asked for '5 more minutes' before falling back asleep, (Y/N) left her as he knew that in Est's words, '5 more minutes' means '5 more hours'. He made his way to the cafeteria, where he saw Summer, he walked over to her.

(Y/N): "Hey Summer." *yawns*

Summer: "Huh? Oh! (Y/N), you're awake."

(Y/N): "Yeah, so. . . where were you?"

Summer: "Oh yeah! (Y/N), you have to get the new thing in the menu!"

(Y/N): "What?"

Summer: "The cafeteria added a new dish into the menu!! And it's a pudding!! You have to try it!!"

(Y/N): "Yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh— no, I am not getting food poisoning, just because you want to eat a pudding that comes from the school cafeteria, trust me, I'm talking from experience."

Summer: "Come on!! I'm sure it's not that bad!"

(Y/N): "No. I'll make a better pudding, than that. . . thing."

(I mean no offense to anyone who eats this, I just searched for 'disgusting puddings' and this was one of them)

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(I mean no offense to anyone who eats this, I just searched for 'disgusting puddings' and this was one of them)

Summer: "Come on! Please! You're immortal!"

(Y/N): "So are you! As long as I live, you live too!"

Summer: "But I can be consumed by the creatures you warn me about."

(Y/N): ". . . Yeah, that too. But I still refuse to eat it."

Summer: "Awww, fine."

(Y/N): "Good girl, now come on, the whole day is free for students, so I told your daughter and her friends to come to the arena for training."

Summer: "Okay. . . but what about what happened yesterday?"

(Y/N): "I'm going to be extra hard on them today."

Summer: 'I don't like where this is going.'


Yang was just slammed down by (Y/N), hard into the ground.

Yang: "Ow! Hey, aren't you being harsh today?"

Weiss: "For once I agree with Yang."

Ruby: "I think it's fun!"

Ruby was thrown into the wall by (Y/N), who had a visible tick mark on his head.

Ruby: ". . Okay. . Not fun."

The Dragon of The Demons (RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now