Chapter 23

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) and Ruby were walking down the streets of Vale, on their way to a weapon's armory to get the upgrades (Y/N) had promised Ruby.

Ruby: "Ooooh! Oooh! Can we make 'Crescent Rose' shoot lasers out o—"

(Y/N): "No."

Ruby: "Okaaaayyyy! What about if we put teeth on—"

(Y/N): "Again, no."

Ruby: "Aww, then wh—"

(Y/N): "If you don't say anything for the whole trip, I'll buy you cookies when we're coming back."

And so Ruby silences herself through the whole trip, being careful not to make any sounds.


The two scythe welders reached their destination and there was a big man at the counter, serving customers.

???: "Ah! Hello, how can I help you two? My name is Brad." (Brad was the only name I could come up with at the spot.)

(Y/N): "Hey, I'm (Y/N) and this is Ruby, we want to use the workshop to make some upgrades on her weapon."

Brad: "Great! Do you want me to help? Or do you know how to do it?"

(Y/N): "We can do it by ourselves, but if we face any problems, we'll call for you."

Brad: "Thanks, it's in the back room, go straight and take a right, it's the second door."

(Y/N): "Thanks, appreciate it."

Brad: "No probs."

(Y/N) and Ruby then make their way to the workshop.

Ruby: "Woah! There's a lot of stuff in here!"

(Y/N): "Well then, now you can start telling me your upgrades."

Ruby then got stars in her eyes and spent 45 minutes telling (Y/N) about her ideas and 3 hours tweaking 'Crescent Rose', in the end all they had done was add a barrel to its sniper form to add more power and mobility, and a sight attached to its handle that to increase accuracy. To its scythe form, they extended its blade to form a small hook at its end and small grips on its handle to increase agility and grip on the weapon.

After they were done, they left the shop after paying Brad and made their way to a bakery to get Ruby cookies for keeping her end of the deal.

(Y/N): *sighs* "It's a good thing I can materialize money, otherwise I would've been in the negatives."

Ruby: "Hey (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Hmm? What is it?"

Ruby: "If you're already the strongest, why did you come to Beacon?"

(Y/N): ". . . I have my reasons, but two main ones are that I am here to hunt someone."

Ruby: ". . . You want to kill him?"

(Y/N): "Yes, he has done something that I can not forgive, and I will get revenge."

Ruby: ". . Then what will you do afterwards?"

(Y/N): "I'll leave, travel the lands in search of entertainment."

Ruby: "Oh. . . . Then what about the second reason?"

(Y/N): "That one. . . is a bit confidential, but I'm here to protect someone due to their previous guardian asking me to."

Ruby: "Do I know who it is?"

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