Chapter 28

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

Fate is unpredictable, it can be your saving grace or your worst nightmare, and you wouldn't even know it. In this situation many people would think that it's their saving grace, but not (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Oh this is so annoying."

Right now, (Y/N) was sitting on a chair in the infirmary with a clingy rose, and a pouting firecracker, a red snowflake and a curious cat.

(Y/N): "I understand Ruby's situation, but what's wrong with you three?"

Yang: "Nothing."

(Y/N): "Yeahh- no. There's definitely something wrong."

Weiss: "We don't know what you're talking about."

Blake: "Yeah, we don't want to cl—"

Blake was cut off by Weiss and Yang covering her mouth and bonking her on the top of her head.

Blake: "Nothing!"

An awkward silence occurs while Team JNPR, Est and Summer stare on in silence as well.

(Y/N): "Riighhtt. Well I'm gonna go get some breakfast and seeing that Ruby's going to be clinging next to me, I'll have to do something to take my mind off of her, so I'm making food."

Pyrrha: "You can cook?"

(Y/N): "And bake."

This seems to earn the attention of a pancake-loving maniac and a cookie-monster, two of them in fact.

Ruby / Summer / Nora: *happy gasp* "COOKIES!!" / "COOKIES!!" / "PANCAKES!!"

Ren / Yang / (Y/N): "Oh no."

Nora zooms over to (Y/N) while Ruby squeezes him tighter, incapacitating (Y/N) and forcing him to take the full blow of Nora slamming into him, the three fell down with (Y/N) being underneath them, Yang and Ren rushed to get the two dairy-loving machines off of the poor Hybrid. After somehow being able to get Nora off (Y/N), Ruby notices this and clings on to (Y/N) refusing to let go, Yang tried to force Ruby off (Y/N), but this caused Ruby to start screaming and clinging onto (Y/N).

Yang: "Come on, Ruby—"


(Y/N): "Yang leave her!!"

Yang frightened at the sudden outburst, stops pulling on Ruby and staggers back, Weiss and Blake then catch her, while (Y/N) stands up and Ruby clings on to him again, but this time she was glaring at everyone, especially Yang.

(Y/N): "I had a feeling about this, turns out I'm right."

Yang: ". . . What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "This is the side effect I was talking about. She suffered severe mental trauma by Team CRDL and because I'm the one who saved her, she believes that I will always protect her, hence why she refuses to leave my side. Kind of like a child clinging to the one they're most attached to, in this case, literally."

Yang: ". . ."

Blake: ". . So when will she recover?"

(Y/N): "Soon, but for now she needs to understand that this place can be safe, no matter how horrible it is."

The group nods in silence as they look at their friend in sympathy, eventually (YbN) starts walking towards the door.

Jaune: "Where are you going?"

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