Chapter 24

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) had returned to his dorm where an impatient Summer and sleeping Est were waiting. As soon as he entered the room, he was ambushed by a hyper Summer, who wanted to know every detail of the so-called 'date'.

Summer: "Tell me what happened?! Did you have fun?! Did she have fun!? Did you do i—"

(Y/N): "Calm down! Est's sleeping!"

Summer: "Okay fine! But tell me what happened! Every. Detail."

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah."

He then told the whole story about how they upgraded Ruby's weapon, to the part when they became 'siblings'. After the story, Summer facepalmed while (Y/N) was looking at her, visible confusion on his face.

Summer: "I can't tell if you're dumb, or that you didn't understand anything about it."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Summer: ". . . How much do you know about 'feelings'?"

(Y/N): ". . . . I was born during a war, I trained during a war, and I killed during a war. So yeah, I don't know much about them."

This was a half-lie, half-truth. (Y/N) knew a lot about negative emotions as he felt them every second of his life, but not positive emotions due to him being more interested in war and fights.

Summer: *sighs* "Of course, why did I not know that?"

(Y/N): "You females have a bad habit of beating around the bush, so stop doing that and tell me the point straightforwardly."

Summer: "I. . . can't, this is something you have to do on your own."

(Y/N): "That's what many people said to me before dying."

Summer's pride started to consume her, while (Y/N)'s sadness and rage started to consume him.

Summer: "This isn't about war or fights!"

(Y/N): "Then tell me what is it about!"

Summer: "Why can't you just understand this!? All you say and think about is war, fighting and de—"


Summer yelped from fear and shock, she hadn't ever heard (Y/N) shout at her like that. She stayed silent while (Y/N) started taking deep breaths, out of the corner of her eye Summer saw a (F/C) vein with black outlining shrink into (Y/N)'s body, though she disregarded it as something out of her imagination. She then remembered what she had seen in (Y/N)'s memory and immediately regretted everything she said.

Summer: ". . I-I'm so—"

(Y/N): "Save it for someone who'll listen. You were just thinking about your daughter, I'm not mad."

(Y/N) then walked back out of the room, unconsciously slamming the door hard, frightening Summer while stirring Est in her sleep though she didn't wake up. Summer then slowly walked to (Y/N)'s bed and sat on it before looking at her hands.

Summer: ". . . . What have I done?"

(Y/N) teleported to the highest point of Beacon where he sat down and took in the cold air.

(Y/N): ". . . . It's always sights like these that calm me."

A Raven then flew up to (Y/N) and sat on his shoulder, (Y/N) pet it with his finger before setting it down next to him.

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