Chapter 33

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

It's been a few days since the conversation between (Y/N) and Team RWBY, and they haven't talked to each other since, though Ruby would sometimes run up to (Y/N) during classes and try to talk to him but he would respond emotionlessly or keep the conversation short, other than that, the only times they exchanged words would be during the extra-training classes (Y/N) would give Team RWBY and Team JNPR, but would only call out their flaws and lecture them on what to improve. Team RWBY thought it was because of the conversation they had, when in reality it was nothing, (Y/N) didn't even care about it. It was all their delusion of him hating them.

(Y/N) and Summer were walking around Beacon's Gardens because Summer wanted some fresh air while (Y/N) had to protect her due to the demon-incident, though (Y/N) was feeling stares on him but ignored them as he had a good guess on who it could be.

Summer: "Ahhhhh~ I've been wanting to feel the air since forever!" She remarked, greatly exaggerating the amount of time she's spent in the dorm, which is something (Y/N) noticed.

(Y/N): "You've been inside for three days, and you and Est kept watching your shows. Which I'm glad you did, because I wanted something other than 'cookies' to help you bond with Est." He said, feeling like a father who saw his daughter make her first friend.

Summer: "Okayy~ Dad! You know, you would be a great father in the future!" She said before realising what she said and turning red.

(Y/N): "What's that? Foreshadowing or something? And whose father would I be? Luke's?" He said, having no idea what he was talking about, Summer on the other hand, had some idea and turned into a darker shade of red.

Summer: "How do you know about that!? What're you saying!? Idiot!!" She retorted, completely embarrassed by what (Y/N) had said. "Do you even know what you're saying!?"

(Y/N): "No clue."

Summer: ". . . How!?"

(Y/N): ". . . . I once heard a voice speaking to me from the sky—" He started before getting cut off by Summer.

Summer: "You know what? I don't care! Just. . . let me enjoy this moment." She pinched the bridge of her nose before her smile returned and she turned around and started walking in a random direction. (Y/N) sighed while looking at her.

(Y/N): "Yare yare. . ." He says to no one in particular, just repeating a phrase he heard when he decided to watch something with Summer and Est. He then followed Summer before finding out that his mortal enemy had returned. . . boredom. "Of course, it hits me full force when there's nothing to do." He sighs out of annoyance. "Why am I not surprised?" He said before trying to ignore it and have a good time with Summer, but fate has other plans.

While walking with Summer, (Y/N) notices multiple abnormal-shaped shadows on the ground, curious, he looks up and spots many bullheads heading to Beacon, this confuses him for a second, as he had no information of a civil war between the countries, that is until he sees an Atlas logo on one of the bullheads, figuring out who the potential people, who would want to come to Beacon and narrowing them down to two people, both of which are overly arrogant. (Y/N) concludes that it must be something military related, he smirks before looking towards Summer, who is also looking at the bullheads curiously, he shakes his head before walking towards her. He calls out her name to get her attention.

(Y/N): "Summer, let's go. There are many interesting things happening right now and I happen to be in the need for some action." He called out, confusing the spirit. This confuses the spirit as she doesn't understand (Y/N)'s words.

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