Chapter 8

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Yo ✌🏼

Sorry for uploading late, online classes screwed up my routine.

Third Person POV

Team RWBY and JNPR we're sitting in the cafeteria eating and chatting amongst themselves.

Ruby: "Hey! Where's (Y/N)?"

Yang: "Now that you say it. . . Where is he?"

Nora: "Who? (Y/N)? Is he your friend?!" *gasps* "Is he fun!? Does he like pancakes!? Can he MAKE pancakes!? Does he like breakin—"

Ren: "Nora, calm down. And yes, who is he?"

Blake: "He's just someone who helped us in some sort of way."

Pyrrha: "What do you mean?"

Ruby: "He was the first person I met after someone—" *looks at Yang, who looks away and starts whistling* "—ditched me. He also helped me after my argument with Weiss."

Weiss: "He also helped me realize my immaturity after our argument."

Blake: "He helped me fit in with my team."

Yang: "Really? I thought you were just warming up to us."

Blake: "I was just going to mind my own business when he came up to me and started lecturing me on why I should warm up to others."

Jaune: "What about you, Yang?"

Yang: "He's my pun-partner, I guess you could say. . . He's my puntner. Eh! Eh! That was a good one!"

Yang was answered by a series of groans and Nora banging her head on the table.

Nora: "Maybe" *bang* "if I" *bang* "hit myself" *bang* "hard enough I. . ." *bang* ". . . can forget it."

Ren: "Nora, stop. . . I'll do it with you." *bang*

Pyrrha: "You guys are over exaggerating! The pun wasn't that ba—" *bang* "Okay it was pretty bad."

The rest of Team JNPR and RWB answer by banging their heads on the table.

Yang: "You guys just don't know art!"

Weiss: "Your art is nothing but a piece of sh—"

Weiss was silenced by Ozpin speaking through the speakers.

Ozpin: *through speakers* "May Team RWBY and Team JNPR make their way to my office. I repeat, May Team RWBY and Team JNPR come to my office. Thank you."

Weiss: "Oh great, we're not even a week in and Yang's done something!"

Yang: "Hey! Ice Queen! It wasn't me!"

Weiss: "Who else could it be!?"

Ruby: "Um- guys? We should get going."

Blake: "Please."

Pyrrha: "I agree!"

Ren: "Me too."

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