Chapter 41

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Yo ✌🏼

Ozpin's POV

It has been two days since (Y/N) has been missing, I've sent out multiple search parties but they have proven useless, Team RWBY along with (Y/N)'s Team is devastated and heartbroken, during my trips around the academy I've noticed that the two teams look much tired, though surprisingly, Est Terminus has taken this quite well, seeing that she always sticks with (Y/N). I've given the two teams breaks for the few days seeing as their health and behaviour will only worsen if they continued.

I was currently sitting in my office sipping some coffee when I got sent a call by security, I picked up my scroll.

Ozpin: "Hello?"

Security Guard: "Sir, there is someone who has Mr. (L/N) with them and they've come to drop him off. Though Mr. (L/N) is critically injured." I felt a wave of relief hit me, but I kept my composure.

Ozpin: "Is that so? Let them proceed and escort them to the infirmary, and how critical is the injury?" The guard's voice on the other end of the scroll sounds uneasy.

Security Guard: "I. . . It's best if you see it for yourself, sir." He says in an uneasy tone. How bad could it be?

Ozpin: "I understand, please escort them to the infirmary."

Security Guard: ". . Yes sir." And then he hangs up, I then immediately call Team RWBY and DEMN to the infirmary. I have a bad feeling about this. I just hope all goes well.


Third Person POV

The two teams slowly go to the infirmary as they seem to be having trouble due to being unable to sleep properly.

Yang: "W-what. . do yo-u. . th- ink he. . called us f- or?" She spoke in an exhausted manner as her sister talked in the same way.

Ruby: "I do. . n't. . kn. ow."

Winter: "Maybe it's (Y/N)?" She spoke in a hopeful voice as it seems to give the others hope as their movements get faster.

The two teams make it to the infirmary where they open the door and see Ozpin standing in front of them.

Ozpin: "My, you girls need sleep." He spoke in a regretting voice as he regretted calling them.

Weiss: "We'. . re. . f. ine." She managed to say, though it was obvious that this was not the case.

Ozpin: "I hope you are, because I have received news that Mr. (L/N) has been found." Everyone's eyes widen as they look around the infirmary to see no one in there but a curtain, obscuring their vision of the other side, behind Ozpin.

Winter: "Let us see him!"

Ozpin: "I'm afraid I will have to ask you to rest before unveiling this curtain, your current state will not be able to handle his current condition. Had I known how bad your states are, I would've asked you all to rest before doing so."

Yang: "Well we're here! Let us see him!"

Ozpin: "I have already said no, believe me when I say this is best for all of us."

Yang seems enraged with anger as her eyes and hair flare up, she stomps over to Ozpin, who remains unfazed, and was about to forcefully move him. She spoke in anger, as she reeled her fist back, ready to punch whatever came in her way of seeing (Y/N).

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