Chapter 52

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A pair of eyes open to reveal lilac pupils, Yang blinks a few times before she sits up on her bed. She glances down at where her arm once was; rememberings of her arm getting cut off flashed in her mind; she shakes her head to not think about it. She lets out a sigh before noticing something next to her.

She turns to look at a tray sat on the side-table; the tray held a bowl of cereal and a glass of water as well as a medicine with a note in front of it.

Note: 'Take this medicine; it'll help you calm down. Eat your breakfast, then come down to the living room, and we'll talk. -- (Y/N)'

She slightly frowns as she skims the note before setting it down before turning towards the table before picking up the bowl and carefully eats; after finishing up her breakfast, she picks up the medicine before putting it in her mouth then swallowing it with the aide of the glass of water.

Yang's eyes slightly widen as she feels all her negative thoughts slowly fade away, and a new feeling of determination sets in. A small smile emerges on her face. She then slowly heads down the stairs out of her room as she trips slightly on the way due to her exhaustion. As she heads down, she hears (Y/N)'s faint voice in the living room. It seemed as if he was talking to someone. Though there was a door in the way, Yang carefully leaned forward and put her ear against the door.


Summer: "Noooo! Let me go! I want to watch over my daughter!" She yelled as she tried to run out but was held by (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Est is with her! I sent Qrow to keep watch over them as well! Besides, they're more than ten thousand miles away from here! How are you going to reach them before the demons start hunting you?"

Summer: "You can teleport me there! Est can protect me from them!"

(Y/N): "Don't be so selfish! Est already has to protect five people, and you're going to add to her list? She can protect you when a demon attacks, but her magical power doesn't shield yours!"

Summer: "Then how were we safe in the dorm when you were away?"

(Y/N): "I made a barrier that shielded you two."

Summer: "Then!-"

(Y/N): "No! You expect her to put up a barrier along the way!? You would usually stay in the dorm, but this is a different case!"

Summer: ". . ." Her movement slows down before coming to a halt, (Y/N) waits for a few seconds before sighing in relief. He lets go of her cape that he had been holding to stop her from running.

(Y/N): "Honestly, wh-" Summer immediately starts running towards the front door before bursting out.

Summer: "Eureka!-" She yells out in short-lived joy before suddenly finding herself back in the house before she is trapped by multiple chains wrapping around her limbs. She looks up to see (Y/N) shaking his head.

(Y/N): "Something like that will never fool me, you know?" Summer frowns before facing away with a 'hmph!' as her cheeks puffed up. "You're not going to give up, are you?"

Summer: "If you already know the answer, why don't you let me go?"

(Y/N): "As if, burdening Est with a forty-year-old child, especially when she already has rebellious children on her hands, is something I am really not fond of partaking in."

Summer: "I'm thirty-seven! There's a difference!"

(Y/N): "Oooooh! Big difference! And I'm older than every planet in this solar system combined, including the star, but I still look like a youngling because of all the time distortions from dimension-hopping, so cry me a river." Summer's cheeks puffed up further as small tear droplets could be seen at the corners of her eyes. (Y/N) sighs. 'Guess I'll have to spell it out for her.' "Then what about your other daughter?" Summer freezes up, (Y/N) lets out a breath as he mentally thanks Yang for her unconscious help.

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