Chapter 45

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

Somewhere in Remnant, a hidden castle stood as hordes of Grimm roamed around it as thunder and lightning was present around it, inside the castle, an individual sat upon the throne present in the room as the great doors of the castle opened causing the individual's focus to shift to the new arrival.

Salem: "What has led you here, Cinder?" She asked the approaching Cinder as she kneeled in front of Salem.

Cinder: "My Mistress, I have come to ask for your guidance. ."

Salem: ". . Continue."

Cinder: "There is a new individual who goes by the name of (Y/N) (L/N) who- Mistress?" She looked up to see Salem, who seemed to be shaken before she regained her composure.

Salem: ". . Go on."

Cinder: "Yes. . This individual is another huntsman in Beacon and he seems to have knowledge of our plans, there is no information of him as far as we have searched along with multiple resources showing no proof of his existence, but what concerns me is that he wants us to 'speed up' our plan. ."

Salem: "Hmm. . Did he provide any reasoning?"

Cinder: ". . I recall one of my subordinates informing me that his reasoning was to have 'fun'." Salem responds with hum before she seemed to have started thinking. Cinder stood still as she awaited her mistress's command for what seemed like hours even though it was only minutes.

Salem: ". . Continue with your plans, if he tries to interfere, you deal with him."

Cinder: ". . Yes, mistress. . I thank you for enlightening my ever so being."

Salem: "Enough. . Now move along."

Cinder: "Yes. . mistress." She said before standing back up and turning on her heel before walking away.

After the door had been closed, Salem eased up and slumped in to the throne she sat on as she let out a breath.

Salem: "Now this'll set everything in motion. I place my trust in you. . (Y/N)."


(Y/N) walked through the night as he inspected all the unguarded areas of Vale, as he made mental notes of the event drawing closer by the day. He stopped to look at the area before sighing.

(Y/N): "You won't be able to spy on someone if you reek of alcohol. . Come out, Qrow." He called out as the flapping of wings could be heard behind a tree before Qrow came out from behind it.

Qrow: ". . You would be surprised by how many haven't caught me when I was spying on them. . Then again, who would think that a crow would drink alcohol." (Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): "That is true. ." He said before a silence befell upon the two, the only noise in the area were the crickets with the moonlight shining upon them.

(Y/N): ". . What do you want, Qrow?"

Qrow: ". . I had a chat with Ozpin after the meeting."

(Y/N): "If you think that Raven has joined the other side. . She hasn't."

Qrow: "Oh I know that! She may be a lunatic but she isn't that much of a psychopath." A squawk was heard as the two men looked towards the source of the sound to be a Raven perched on top of a branch.

(Y/N): "Speak of the devil, I guess." He said as the raven flew down next to them before transforming into. . um. . Raven.

Raven: "You really like to insult your family, don't you? Baby Brother."

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