Chapter 29

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

The scene showed a barren, destroyed land, dust floating everywhere making it impossible for the naked eye to see through it, but sounds were heard. The sounds of screaming, a woman's screaming.

Woman: "Please! Please! I don't want to die!!" She pleaded to whatever was attacking her.

A dark and demonic voice then spoke up, the voice was fierce, like it could command armies made for destruction.

???: ". . . Neither did she." Was all the voice said before the sound of flesh being torn apart could be heard, the blood-curling screams of the woman increasing until they came to a sudden stop.

After a few seconds, the voice spoke up again.

???: ". . Pathetic wastes."

After more silence, a group of shadows can be seen through the dust, it was a group of men who were armed to the teeth.

Man #1: "There he is! I heard him over there!" He pointed out to the other men, who without hesitation started shooting in the direction pointed out by the man.

After a few minutes of firing, the men stopped, searching the area for any signs of their target, the supposed leader of the group, ordered his men to split up to search more efficiently, the men complied, although a little scared at what could be awaiting them in the dust. They moved through the area, sweeping every place they could find, though they did not find anything it didn't mean that it was a good thing. Eventually, two men unknowingly bumped into each other and raised their guns up at each other, both ready to fire.

Man #2: "Friendly! Friendly!"

Man #3: "Affirmative."

After being aware of their surroundings and of who was standing in front of each other, they lowered their weapons and initiated a conversation.

Man #2: "Did you find anything of the demon?"

Man #3: "None, either he's dead or he's still alive."

The second man was about to respond but was cut off by the sounds of one of their comrade screaming and the sound of gunfire surrounded them.

Man: "D-don't come near me!! S-s-someone help! The demon's aliv—"

His voice cut off and the sounds of gunfire stopped, immediately the two men stood back-to-back in an effort to cover all their blind spots, with every few moments one of them asking confirmation of the other's location and health. The sounds of more screaming and gun firing erupted around them, this time in the opposite direction to where it originally had come from.

Man: "H-help!! He's her—"

Another one was lost, the emotion of fear and dread building up in the two men as their hands had started to shake due to the pressure of hearing the sounds of their comrades falling filled their ears.

Man #2: "The fucker's fast!"

Man #3: "Shut up! Do you want him to hear us!?"

They both then went back to focusing their attention to their surroundings, both using their senses to their fullest, after a few painful minutes of waiting for a sign of the supposed demon, both of their walkie talkies sprung to life, the broken voice of their commander being heard by them.

Commander: "M-men, if you can hear me. Run. This t-thing's too strong, we never stood a chance. ." He starts sobbing, adding to the dread to the two soldiers. "I-it's too late for me, I- I can't handle the pressure anymore." His confession brings tears to the two soldiers. "I-if you think you stand a chance. . . you don't, the only chance you have is to run. But h-he won't let you do that, he won't. . . . . He won't. . . . S-so, boys, it's been a pleasure leading you. My times up. G-goodbye."

Then, the sound of a gun shot rung through the ears of the two soldiers, their commander couldn't handle the pressure. . and shot himself, dropping down any will to fight the two soldiers had left. They then heard a voice, a voice they both wished to never hear.

???: ". . Succumbing to the pressure and killing himself, weak." The voice raised the fear in both soldiers as one of them, frantically tries to get a hold of his weapon and starts shooting in every direction, pure fear evident on his face. The other soldier immediately ducked down to avoid the bullets fired by his comrade, he covered his head with his hands and wished for everything to stop.

The sounds of gunfire then came to a stop, but what replaced it increased the dread and fear of the soldier that had ducked, the sound of blood spewing, he shakily looked towards his comrade in hopes of his fear not being true, but what he witnessed made his pupils dilate as all colour from his face faded. The soldier that had frantically started shooting, was missing the top half of his head, blood spewing from the top. His body fell down in front of the still living soldier, giving him the full view of his now half-decapitated head. The soldier puked at the sight, he coughed, too scared to scream, too scared to run. His fear had paralysed him, and that fear increased drastically as through the dust, he saw the shadow of a figure in the distance, walking towards him slowly. He tried to run, but he was too scared to do it. He tried to scream, but he was too scared to do it. All he could do, was watch the figure walking towards him in agonising fear that clawed at him inside his body. After a few minutes, which had felt like years to the soldier, passed the figure stood in front of his body, the figure's body was still not visible, but what was visible, were the two (E/C) orbs staring at him, as if they were looking into his very soul.

???: "Tell me. . Do you feel. . . helpless? Do you feel. . . dread?" The figure's voice asked, the soldier didn't respond, but stared at the figure in fear.

???: ". . Good. . Then you know what Restia felt. . When you and your people MERCILESSLY TORTURED HER!!!" The figure's anger became evident in his voice, the echo of his voice surrounded the lands, the soldier grimaced at the volume of the voice and regretted ever living and acquainting himself with the people of the village that had made a grave mistake, sadly, time can not rewind and the soldier could do nothing but stare at him, his will to live fading away.

???: ". . Be gone." And just like that, the figure plunged his hand into the soldier's chest, he coughed up blood, he started to struggle for air, but he knew it was over. He was suffering due to the grave sin he and his village had committed. And they could not repent in any way. His life faded from his eyes as he started taking his last few breaths, soon he took his last breath and his body went limp, indicating that he had died. The figure threw his body away before looking at it in disgust, he then started walking away, leaving the soldier's body to rot.

As the figure was walking away, a portal opened up in front of him, and he vanished. The dust then finally settled down, showing the hundreds of bodies, surrounding the burning and barren land.


Summer opened her eyes in a panic, before realising where she was, she had been meditating to increase her soul power at (Y/N)'s request, she scanned her surroundings in an alarmed state before calming down and taking a deep breath.

Summer: 'That was. . . the memory I saw in his brain, wasn't it?'

Summer shifted her eyes to (Y/N)'s sleeping body in between Est and Ruby, she sighed to herself shakily before taking a deep breath.

Summer: 'As long as I'm here. . . I'll make sure you don't go through something like that again.'

Summer then straightens her posture before going back to meditating, her soul feeling determined to fight for her saviour.

(1400 words. So this is the memory Summer saw in (Y/N)'s memories, pretty traumatising, right? See ya!)

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