Chapter 13

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) walks through the halls of Beacon as the portal closes behind him, he then makes his way to his dorm, as he reached his door, he was tackled by a red blur.


(Y/N): "OOF!!"

The two scythe-wielders crash into the ground as Ruby nuzzles into (Y/N)'s chest.

Ruby: "Wherewereyou?!Didyougoonamission?!?Wasitfun!?Didyoukickgrimmbutt!?!Tellme!!Tellme!!Tellme!!TELLME!!!" (Where were you?! Did you go on a mission?!? Was it fun!? Did you kick Grimm butt!?! Tell me!! Tell me!! Tell me!! TELL ME!!!)

(Y/N) didn't respond, as Ruby realises that she hadn't given him time to speak. She then gets off (Y/N)'s chest and looks at his face.

Ruby: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): *coughs* "Ru— by, yo-u have impro. . ved, I . . . am, pr. . oud of— you."

(Y/N)'s head then bobs to the side before stopping, Ruby then notices that (Y/N) didn't seem to be breathing.

Ruby: "(Y/N)? . . . . . Are you okay?"

She puts her hand in front of his nose to feel for his breath. . . . . She couldn't.

Ruby: "(Y/N)? Ha. . Ha, you got me. . . The jokes. . over now. . . . (Y/N)?"

(Y/N)'s body lay still. Ruby started to panic.

Ruby: "No, (Y/N)! (Y/N)!! Come on! Speak to me!! Don't die on me!!! Please!!!"

Ruby starts shaking (Y/N)'s body in desperate hope to somehow wake him up.

Ruby: 'Think Ruby!! Think!! What did you learn in school!?! Wait there was something people were doing with their mouths!! What was it!?! C. . C. . . CPR!!! That's it!! Okay, okay, how do you do this, first you put. . . your. . . . mouth. . on. . . his— oh no. No!! You have to do this for (Y/N)!!! He won't even remember it!! Yeah!!'

Ruby then hovers her mouth over (Y/N)'s.

Ruby: 'Okay Ruby, you can do this!! Just like the simulations.'

Ruby's mouth then descends towards (Y/N)'s as her face gets redder as she gets close, as their lips were about to touch. . . . . . . . . . (Y/N)'s eyes open and he sees what Ruby was doing. Ruby sees this and her mind shuts down.

(Y/N): "Hmm. . . Initiating CPR to an unconscious person, smart thinking. You've definitely improved."

This causes Ruby's mind to restart as she realises the situation she's in as she shrieks while backing up at super-sonic speeds, going through (Y/N)'s door. Causing Est to wake up and Summer to shriek in return.


(Y/N): "Well that's a twist."

Est, being woken up from her precious sleep, angrily demands to know who disturbed her slumber.

Est: "WHO DARES INTERRUPT MY NA— (Y/N)? You're back!"

(Y/N) is then tackled by a white blur revealed to be Est.

(Y/N): "OOF!!"

Est starts nuzzling into (Y/N)'s chest, whilst repeating 'Finally' over and over again.

(Y/N): *groans* "I deserved that."

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