Chapter 43

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) and Est were currently in a bullhead making their way to Mountain Glenn during the night.

Est: "How long till we reach the mountain?" She asked (Y/N) as she ate a cookie.

(Y/N): "About five minutes." He said while looking at a hologram of Mountain Glenn.

Est: "Why are we going there?"

(Y/N): "I told you before, the openings created by the explosions along with what happened after increased the negative emotions in Vale so Grimm have gone in a sort of frenzy. We're here to decrease those numbers of Grimm."

Est: "Didn't he have anyone else to send?" She groaned.

(Y/N): "Not really, there aren't any good huntsman who can take this mission without getting fatal injuries. Besides, I asked him to send us."

Est: "Reason?"

(Y/N): "I really don't want to be there because I think I'll be annoyed staying there after the conversation Blake and I had."

Est clenches her fist as she thinks about stabbing Blake multiple times, twenty eight times to be exact. Though she gets over it and continues her questions.

Est: "And the white hair girl's sister? Isn't she in our team?"

(Y/N): "You mean Winter? She wanted to come but I told her to stay back at Beacon to train her sister."

Est: ". . And Summer?"

(Y/N): "We have about three hours so long as Summer stays in the dorm room."

Est: ". . . So it's just you and me?"

(Y/N): "Yup, just you and me." Est seemed to get excited at this as she hopped up and down while smiling.

(Y/N) smiled at her before turning back to the hologram. He inspected it before noticing they were above the mountain, he walked over to the cockpit where the pilot was.

(Y/N): "We're getting off, no need to land."

Pilot: "Eh? You sure?"

(Y/N): "Yeah also here, take this, have fun." He said as he handed a small bag of lien to the pilot before walking to the hanger.

Pilot: "Damn! One thousand lien! Thank you!" He said through the P.A.

(Y/N): "You're welcome!" He said as he opened the hanger door as the wind rushed into the plane hitting (Y/N) and Est.

Est: "Are we going?" She asked as she walked over to him.

(Y/N): "Yup." He said before jumping off.

Est: "Wait for me!" She yelled out as she followed him.

The two soared through the air as (Y/N) spun his body around to face Est as he looked at her, the girl noticed and developed a confused look, but that disappeared when she saw (Y/N) making a butterfly gesture with his hands as she smirked before white and silver wings sprouted out of her back, she glided down for a bit before hovering over the ground as she saw (Y/N)'s wings sprouting out of his back. (Just to make sure, your wings are a miniature version of your Dragon form's wings)

Est flew towards (Y/N) as the two hovered over the mountain, (Y/N) looked at the mountain, analysing it while Est hovered next to him. The two looked for any signs of Grimm on the mountain when they sensed a huge amount of energy coming from the opposite side of the mountain, Est looked at (Y/N) to see him grinning before he looked at her and nodded. The two then flew at high speeds towards the other side of the mountain, as they reached the part of the mountain where they sensed the energy from, the two saw that there was a humongous amount of Grimm as the Grimm seemed to be moving towards Vale's direction.

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