Chapter 4

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

Ozpin: "I'll. . . keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life for the protection of people. But when I look among you, I see wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You think knowledge can get you through, but in this school you will learn that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Ozpin then takes his leave, leaving the students to ponder upon his 'odd' speech.

Ruby: "What was that about?"

Yang: "I know, it seemed like. . . he wasn't even there, what do you think Wei-"

But Weiss had already left after Ozpin's speech.

Yang: "Okaaaayyyy, what about the guy who helped my sister?"

(Y/N): "I'd rather have you call me (Y/N)."

Yang: "Alright, what do you think about his speech? It was weird."

(Y/N): "Did you not get it?"

Ruby / Yang: "Noooooo."

(Y/N): "It means 'Just because you have the ability to help someone, doesn't mean you'll always be able to.'"

Yang: "What does that even mean?"

(Y/N): "You'll have to learn that through experience."

Ruby: "Why?"

(Y/N): "It's something that can be only learnt in battle."

Yang: "You sound like you've seen many."

(Y/N): "I have." 'Too many to count'

Summer looks at (Y/N) with a concerned look on her face.

Yang: "Ooooooh~ You sound strong, I want to fight you now."

(Y/N): "Maybe some other time."

Yang: "Okay."

Ruby, feeling left out, decides to intervene.

Ruby: "Guys~ come on! We gotta go!"

(Y/N): "Alright then, let's go."


All the students were getting ready to sleep, some were finding places to sleep, some were setting up their sleeping bags, while others were just chatting in groups.

Yang: "It's like a big sleepover!"

Ruby: "I don't think dad will approve of the boys tho."

Yang: "I know I do~" *purrs*

As Yang is gawking over the guys, she spots Jaune in a 'questionable' onesie, making her look of interest, turn to disgust before looking over to Ruby.

Yang: "Whatcha doing?"

Ruby: "Writing to my friends at Signal."

Yang: "Awww~ that's so cute!"

Ruby throws a pillow at Yang, hitting her in the face.

Ruby: "Stooooop! I don't know anyone here!"

Yang: "What do you mean!? There's. . . Jaune and also (Y/N)! Weiss too!"

Ruby: "Jaune. . I don't know that much, and Weiss counts as a negative friend. (Y/N), I don't know, he's nice and fun. So yeah, only (Y/N)."

Yang: "Hey at least you're making progress! You have one friend, one enemy and you already have a crus-"

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