Chapter 38

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) and the others made their way through the trees as the girls talked with each other.

Ruby: "Weiss! How does your sister know (Y/N)?" She whisper-yelled at her teammate.

Weiss: "I don't know! Winter's mostly in the army so I don't know about her life there!" She whispered back.

Blake: "That means that they met in the military."

Yang: "So during the time he was hunting the White Fang?"

Blake: "Most likely."

(Y/N): "Stop." He called out in a hushed tone as everyone stopped in their tracks behind him. "Grimm. Stay low." He ordered in a commanding tone, completely different from his previous laid back tone. The others walked next to (Y/N) as they hid behind the bushes to see a lone Beowolf roaming. The girls unsheathe their weapons and were about to attack, but were stopped. "Stop, don't engage."

Yang: "What? Why?"

(Y/N): "You need to understand their behaviour first, Grimm is a species that evolves continuously, their behaviour can evolve till the intelligence of humans. Always observe your opponent before engaging. . . Tell me, why do you think they are here?"

Yang: "Aren't they just roaming around?"

Winter: "No they're not, they sense our emotions. There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity such as sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely being emitted by us harboring ill intent."

Yang: "Oooohhhh. ."

Ruby: "So. . What now?"

(Y/N): "We wait, this Beowolf is alone which means it's a scout for the main pack. A Beowolf pack sends out scouts to search the area for any prey. If we track this one here, it could lead us to the main pack."

Blake: "How long do we wait?"

(Y/N): "Unknown, if we're lucky then this Grimm has been scouting for days and is about to head back to its pack, otherwise we would even have to wait for months until it heads bac-" He's interrupted by the sound of twigs and leaves cracking behind them as he turns around to see ten Beowolves behind them. "And now they know we're here."

Weiss: "What?"

(Y/N):"And now they know we're here!" He says before noticing that the lone Beowolf had leaped towards him. He pushed Weiss out of the way, before barely dodging away from the Beowolf. The group then rallied back as they stared at the eleven Grimm. "Well Yang, there's your fight. Have fun." He said in his normal laid back tone as Yang smashed her fists together.

Yang: "Alright! Let's do this!"

RWB: "Yeah!" The girls rushed at the Grimm as they started fighting while (Y/N) watched and Winter walked up to him.

Winter: "Are we not going to fight?"

(Y/N): "No not really. Only if they're in actual danger, until then. . We watch and lecture them. Just keep an eye on them."

Winter: "Affirmative." She saluted before walking off to keep watch but (Y/N) called out to her.

(Y/N): "Oh wait, Winter." He called out as she turned back with a confused look.

Winter: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "Your sister still hasn't learned how to summon?" Winter's eyes widened for a bit before returning to their usual look.

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