Chapter 30

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N)'s eyes open as looks down to see Ruby snuggled up against him, remembering the events from yesterday before he looked behind him to see that Est was also snuggled up to his back, he sighed before he laid his head back onto his pillow, he then moved his body slowly causing both girls to stir awake, he continued doing so until he saw Ruby slowly look towards him.

Ruby: "Big Bro?" She yawned out, before her eyes met his and her grip tightened onto his body, completely backfiring his plan.

(Y/N): "M. . morning. . Ruby. . Can't b. . reathe." He was able to say through his struggled breathing as Ruby quickly loosened her grip.

Ruby: "Ehehe sorry. . ." She said embarrassingly.

(Y/N) sighed before looking at her and telling her that it's fine, Ruby then moved away from (Y/N) a little bit so that he could get up, albeit slowly due to Est being snuggled against him, but in the end he was able to. After doing so, Ruby immediately stuck onto him, catching him off-guard. He stumbled for a bit before regaining his balance and then looked at Ruby, who feigned ignorance by looking the other way and whistling. (Y/N) heard giggling coming from a part of the room and turned his head to see Summer quietly giggling to herself in the corner, (Y/N) could do nothing but stare blankly at her to avoid alerting Ruby of her presence, he rolled his eyes before walking towards the washroom, but his mind had seemed to catch up with him before his eyes widened and he immediately turned his head to look at Ruby. He hoped that the side effects hadn't made Ruby that attached to him.

(Y/N): "Um. . Ruby? I need to go to the washroom." He asked the question while hoping that luck was on his side, but Luck seemed to be a feminist and hated (Y/N).

Ruby: "So? You can go." She blurted out, while being completely oblivious to what (Y/N) meant by his sentence.

(Y/N): "I. . Um. . need my privacy." (Y/N) started getting a bit impatient with Ruby but managed to control it as he knew her condition, thankfully Ruby seemed to get the point and turned red.

Ruby: ". . Okay. . ." She then got off of (Y/N) before slowly walking to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, (Y/N) let out a breath of relief before going into the washroom.


(Y/N), Summer and Ruby were in the cafeteria, eating their food. Ruby was munching down every cookie on her plate while (Y/N) was eating pancakes with Summer enjoying the taste. The trio were ten approached by the three members of Team RWBY, as soon as Ruby noticed them, she started to glare at them, mostly at Yang. (Y/N) noticed this but ignored it as he knew that it was because of yesterday's incident.

Blake: "Hey (Y/N)." The other two girls greeted (Y/N) by waving at him, though Yang seemed saddened. This didn't go unnoticed by (Y/N) as he sighed mentally.

(Y/N): "Hey."

Weiss: "Did you sleep well?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, Est always clings onto me when we sleep so it wasn't that distracting." This seemed to take the girls by surprise as shown by their widened eyes before they huddled up and started mumbling to each other. (Y/N), being a dragon-demon hybrid, has heightened senses and could hear their conversation clearly.

Yang: "She sleeps with him!?" She whispered to her two teammates.

Weiss: "She's clearly ahead of us! We need to close the gap!" The other two nodded along her as they thought of ways to get closer to their target. The target completely misinterpreting the situation.

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