Chapter 7

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Yo ✌🏼

I am really sorry for the late upload. I was travelling to another country so I didn't have access to the internet to post this.

Third Person POV

(Y/N)'s eyes open as he looks around to find himself in a dark void.

(Y/N): "Haven't seen this in a while. What's the occasion?"

A deep and demanding voice speaks in an echo voice as the source of it is unknown.

???: "You have failed."

(Y/N): "In what? Sleeping peacefully? Thanks to you."

???: "You couldn't even protect her corpse."

(Y/N)'s comedic mood turns serious and dark.

(Y/N): "Do not speak of her."

???: "You have done nothing except fail."

(Y/N): "And you failed to control me."

???: "I gave you this freedom."

(Y/N): "After I massacred the Demons. Do not speak as if you had allowed me to. You only survived because I was promised freedom. I could've taken it either way."

???: "You think this 'freedom' benefits you? Open your eyes. You're under a curse. This curse is because of your 'freedom'. You're nothing but a weapon—"

(Y/N): "Which you failed to control. The 'freedom' you speak of, is nothing but an illusion. After I'm done with you, I'll achieve it."

???: "You can not kill me, boy."

(Y/N): "Neither can you kill me."

???: "Everyone you will care for will die, just because of you."

(Y/N): "Those who I care about can not die, if I do not care about anyone."

???: "Does the same go for that girl?"

(Y/N): ". . . ."

???: "You do not care about anyone, because you can not care about anyone. . . . If you do. The curse will kill them. Even that spirit who stays with you, she knows of your suffering, but not of your origin. . . . . . The day she finds out, is the day she will die. And this will repeat, over and over and over, until you return to being what you are. A weapon."

The voice then fades away, leaving (Y/N) alone in the void. After a few minutes for what seemed like hours, (Y/N) clenches his fist.

(Y/N): ". . . . I know that already."

(Y/N)'s body then fades away.

(Y/N) wakes up, as he looks around to see Est sleeping beside him, he caresses her face while having a heart-warming smile on his face, before getting up and heading over to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up, (Y/N) looks around to see that Summer was missing, he shrugs.

(Y/N): 'She's probably taking care of her daughter.'

(Y/N) then heads over to the cafeteria to get an early breakfast before the other students arrive.

After finishing up his breakfast, (Y/N) then starts walking in another direction, after a few minutes of walking he comes across Summer.

(Y/N): "Hey Summer! Whatcha you doing?"

The Dragon of The Demons (RWBY x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now