Chapter 10

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

Currently, a grinning (Y/N) was standing in front of eight, angry and injured students.

(Y/N): "I see that your injuries have been healed."

Weiss: "After you inflicted them onto us!"

(Y/N): "But did you die?"

Yang: "This isn't about life and death!"

(Y/N): "You're a terrible listener."

Yang's glare intensifies on (Y/N).

(Y/N): *sighs* "Seeing as you're all injured and incapable of fighting, today, I'm going to be lecturing all of you on what you did wrong."

Yang: "What makes you think we're going to listen to you!?"

(Y/N): "You want to get stronger, don't you?"

Yang: "Not under you!?"

(Y/N): "Under others, you're going to only get strong enough to be able to fight Grimm, but under me, you'll be able to get strong enough to fight stronger Grimm while also achieving your personal desires."

(Y/N): "Such as finding family members."

(Y/N) says this while fixing his gaze on Yang, whose eyes widen in surprise then turn to anger.

Yang: "Where is she!?"

(Y/N): "Calm down, Bat-woman. All questions will be answered later, all we'll be doing right now, is going through what you did wrong. Timeskip to Arena!"

Yang: "Wha—"

Timeskip to Arena

(Y/N): "Thank you, now Ruby!"

Ruby: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "Your plan was good, but only for those who were inexperienced, against someone like me, who has tons of experience, it was easily countered against. So, my advice to you and everyone else, is that you should always have more than two plans, to fight your opponent. Got it?"

Ruby: "Yes!"

(Y/N): "Okay, now Yang."

Yang: "What?"

(Y/N): "You always rush in without a plan."

Yang: "I have a plan. Attack."

(Y/N): "That's a plan only Iron man can use. So no."

Yang: "I don't care."

(Y/N): "Did I ask?"

Yang glares at (Y/N).

(Y/N): 'You're lucky, Est isn't here, otherwise you would be bald and dead.'

(Y/N): "You only swing your fists in hopes of hitting your target, that's it. You don't think, you don't improvise."

Yang: "And it has worked wonderfully for me."

(Y/N): "You getting knocked out in one kick is not wonderful."

Summer: "Aren't you being relentless a little too much."

(Y/N): "Ghosts shouldn't be talking."

Summer: "I'm a spirit!!"

(Y/N) looks behind him, then to his sides and then focuses his gaze onto Summer.

(Y/N): "I don't see anyone asking for your opinion."

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