Chapter 42

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

It's been three days since (Y/N)'s body had been dropped off at Beacon, Est continuously used her powers to keep everyone away from the infirmary, she had basically moved into the infirmary that day and frozen all entries, Summer helped her in taking care of (Y/N). Ozpin didn't question it and let her do what she did because it was the best choice. Not like he had a choice anyway.

Meanwhile in (Y/N)'s mind, Death had left because he needed to 'do his job' and Rose had been reliving (Y/N)'s good memories as to ease his penalty.

(Y/N)'s body seemed to have regenerated parts of its chest as it was slowly healing itself.


(Y/N) collapses as he screams in pain, his pupils shrinking and dilating every second as he relives all of his nightmares and memories, he looks up to show that his left eye was in its demon form and his red pupils were glowing, his right eye was halfway through as his demon blood slowly overtook his body, he clawed at his skin and hair trying to cope with the memories when he looks at the next memory. . . . his eyes widen in horror as he watches Restia getting stabbed by a pitchfork as she was surrounded by a mob of people cheering at her death, blood poured out of her wound as the leader of the mob came forward before pulling the pitchfork out and stabbing her corpse over and over again.

Blood poured out of his eyes as (Y/N)'s rage slowly overtook him, he then watched as his past self slaughtered all of the people, killing all men and women alike, even the children. . But, (Y/N) no longer felt angry, he felt regret. . . . regret for giving them all a painless death, regret for not tearing them to pieces, regret for not slowly tearing the leader's limbs piece by piece as he should've. He regretted it all, he was so focused on his regret that he didn't notice his emotions slowly slipping away, he didn't notice that his demon eye had almost covered his right eye completely.


It has been five days as to (Y/N)'s penalty and Est had stayed next to his body continuously, never leaving his body alone as she kept it in pristine condition.

(Y/N)'s previously exploded arm was now halfway formed as the only parts of his body left was the arm from the elbow down as Est looks at his bare chest with some blood trailing down her nose, but that soon stopped as she saw scars appearing on his body. . they were new. Est looked concerned as she saw that (Y/N)'s brain activities were higher than before.

Rose stood in the void as its previous calm state had completely disappeared and the void was in a supposed 'frenzy' as Rose looked on in worry.

Rose: "(Y/N). . ."


It has now been a week as Est broke all the ice on the Infirmary doors and windows after she saw that (Y/N)'s body had started to breath again, she broke all spells letting Team RWBY and Winter to come to their senses as they looked confused for a while.

Yang: "Wh. . at, happened?" She asked, dazed.

Ruby: "I. . don't know. . We went to the infirmary and Pro- (Y/N)!"

The others gasped before running towards the Infirmary. Ruby burst through the door as she looked around to see Est in the room alone.

Ruby: "E. .st? What're you doing here?"

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