Chapter 48

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) and Shiro stared at each other, motionless as neither made the first move. The spectators being Est, Glynda and Summer as all others were unconscious. The cameras that overlooked the arena were knocked out by (Y/N)'s out of control aura, which grew stronger by the second.

Glynda: "(Y/N) stop!" She yelled in hope of reaching (Y/N), her efforts proven fruitless as she was pushed back by another burst of aura. Summer watched helplessly at what was happening in front of her as her mind repeated (Y/N)'s words.


(Y/N): ". . . If you speak about her one more time. . I'll inflict pain Salem wouldn't have ever thought of."


Est walked in front of Summer and Glynda, seemingly unaffected by the malicious aura that (Y/N) radiated. She looked at (Y/N) in sadness but didn't move from her spot, she merely stared. Her eyes cold as ice. Glynda, who was losing her voice from all the cries of plea she was shouting, turned to Est for help, seeing as Est would want what's best for her partner.

Glynda: "Est! Please! Stop him!" She tried to stand up but it was futile. The aura was too strong.

Est: ". .Nothing can stop him now, he will kill that fool." She stated, her eyes not faltering as she stared at (Y/N), as if he would disappear the second she took her sights off from his figure. Glynda looked at her in shock as Summer took a few steps back.

Glynda: "That can't be! You have to stop him!"

Est: "I would. . . . but I follow (Y/N), not you." She said, venom present in her voice as the looks of horror on the other two's faces grew further. Though in truth, Est was deeply concerned about the situation present, as much as she would want (Y/N) to kill the human his hatred was focused upon, the risk was all too high.

Summer, now back in reality, was about to beg Est to stop (Y/N), though she was interrupted by the sound of weapons clashing. She looked towards the direction where the sound was heard to see that Shiro and (Y/N) were clashing against each other, currently locked in a stalemate.


(Y/N): "Prepare yourself, mongrel. This fight will be your last." He spoke, his voice laced with poison as Shiro held a disturbing smile.

Shiro: "That's it! Show me your power! Give me the fight I deserve!" He exclaimed with a crazed look on his face, his eyes dilated, his smile twisted while (Y/N) kept an emotionless yet fierce gaze.

The two disappeared before clashing against each other once again, this time however, (Y/N) put more pressure in his attack forcing Shiro on his knees as the ground beneath him cracked, Shiro attempted to deflect (Y/N)'s scythe and roll to safety, a safe but predictable action as (Y/N) recovered faster than Shiro's expectations and slashed at him, the scythe made contact with Shiro's forearm, forming a cut that covered it whole, Shiro screamed in pain as his focus broke from (Y/N).

Shiro: "Arghhh!! It hurts!!"

This slight disorientation cost Shiro as (Y/N) used it to his advantage and slashed the air, an arc erupting from (W/N), homing in on Shiro before hitting its target, Shiro's back was cut open as his screams of pain filled the arena. (Y/N) remained unfazed as he walked towards the collapsed human as he writhed in agonising pain.

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