Chapter 25

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Third Person POV

(Y/N) was sitting in the infirmary next to an unconscious Ruby whose body was covered by (Y/N) in a (F/C) light, covering her body as well as healing her. After a few seconds, Yang burst in the room, out of breath and the sounds of people running a few rooms down the hallway.

Yang: "Where is she!?"

(Y/N): "Right here. She's suffered trauma and lost conscious, I'm healing her at the moment so don't touch her."

Yang: "She's my sister!!"

(Y/N): "And you're going to do what's best for her!! Which at the moment is to let her rest!!"

Yang closes her mouth and instead walks over to Ruby's side.

Yang: ". . . . Who?"

(Y/N): "Team CRDL, Cardin being the instigator."

Yang's eyes turned red and her hair lit up in fire, she started to march towards the door when (Y/N) appeared in front of her.

Yang: ". . Move."

(Y/N): "You're not thinking rationally, ju—"

Yang: "I said. MOVE!!"

Yang went to punch (Y/N) but was immediately blocked and pinned down to the ground by (Y/N).

(Y/N): "And I said, think rationally. Ozpin's handling this, and so am I, there's already one problem, we don't need another."

(Y/N) then looked at Yang and saw that she had started crying, he sighed out of annoyance and got up and carried Yang to another bed and laid her down.

Yang: *sobbing* "H-how could. . . they do t-this? S-she d-did no-thing. . wrong. Why? Just w-why?"

(Y/N) placed a spell on Yang to make her sleep as to avoid her doing something reckless, Blake and Weiss then burst into the room. They saw Ruby covered in a (F/C) light and (Y/N) standing next to a sleeping Yang.

Weiss: "What did you do?"

(Y/N): "Ruby is being healed at the moment and Yang started crying so I put her to sleep, so that she doesn't do anything reckless."

Blake: ". . Do you know who did this?"

(Y/N): "Team CRDL"

Weiss put her hands over her mouth while Blake looked towards Ruby, Weiss ran to Ruby's side while Blake looked at both sisters in sadness.

(Y/N): *to Weiss* "Don't touch her, if you do, it could break the process."

Blake: ". . . What'll happen if it breaks?"

(Y/N): ". . It'll bring all the wounds and scars suffered by Ruby back, this time the pain will be ten fold."

Weiss: "Why would you put her through such a risky process!?"

(Y/N): "This is currently the best healing I can do in a short time, do not speak of this situation to anyone else other than those who you trust immensely."

Blake and Weiss reluctantly agreed while asking for the reason which (Y/N) simply replied by saying that he'll tell them later. After a few minutes, Yang started to wake up and (Y/N) was going to put her to sleep but Ozpin entered the room, so he decided not to and woke her up.

(Y/N): "Yang, wake up."

Yang: *dazed* "W-wha?"

(Y/N): "Ozpin's here, it's about Ruby."

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