Chapter 26

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

It was night time in Vale, the time when criminals are most active. Last time, Team CRDL was expelled from Beacon Academy and they were thrown into the streets of Vale, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. They were now between life and death, and it seems. . . . . . . . . . . . The Harbinger of Death is close.

Russel: "Cardin, what do we do!?"

Cardin: "Shut it, bitch!"

Russel immediately closes his mouth in fear of his leader, but what was coming for them, is far worse.

Cardin: "I'm trying to think, wait. Yeah, that's right, we can do that!"

Sky: "What?"

Cardin: "We can stay here, outside Beacon, wait for the fucker to come out, then we'll jump him!"

Russel: "I don't know. . . He knocked us out in just a few seconds. I'm still bruised up."

Cardin: "Oh shut it, you whiny-sack of shit! We weren't ready—"

???: "And you certainly are not ready now."

The team looked around frantically in search of the source of the voice.

Cardin: "Who the fuck are you!? Where are you, coward!?"

They then looked up to see (Y/N), but there was something. . . off about him, he was leaking with a black mist that was flowing around him.

 off about him, he was leaking with a black mist that was flowing around him

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(Y/N): "Facing me is your worst and last mistake."

Cardin: *visibly shaken* "You bastard!" *gulps before a smile carves to his face* "I-I guess we don't have to go through the trouble of finding you then! Ain't that right boys!? Huh?"

Cardin looked behind him to see that all his lackeys were hugging the wall in desperation, pure terror on their faces, confused, Cardin looks back towards (Y/N) to see what had terrified them. He saw a creature behind him that made the fragile Cardin's confidence shatter and he fell down while trying to back away from the monster in front of him

 He saw a creature behind him that made the fragile Cardin's confidence shatter and he fell down while trying to back away from the monster in front of him

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