Chapter 35

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Yo ✌🏼


It's been a day since Team RWBY and I fought that robot, I said that we'd talk later but I really don't want to. It's going to take a lot of energy out of me to do that, and I'm already tired - mostly bored but still tired. It's Glynda's combat class right now and I would absolutely love to fight someone, but most of the students are weak. There's Pyrrha but I want to fight her in a proper battle, the kind that ends with one person dying, but apparently I can't. Pyrrha was currently soloing against a team of brats that were completely filled with pride and displayed their power at a much higher level than it actually was, their only saving grace from humiliation is because Pyrrha is a supposed 'world renowned fighter'. I sighed as I looked on in disappointment at the amount of mistakes the team was making, Pyrrha was completely on another level from them. If only there was someone strong enough and arrogant enough to fight seriously. . . Oh look, Pyrrha won, big surprise. Glynda walked to the arena to declare the match.

Glynda: "And that's the match."

Leader of Defeated Team: "Lucky shot."

The leader of the team collapses as the other members of his team pick him up before walking out.

Glynda: "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrrha: "Thank you, professor."

Glynda: "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match." Her eyes scanned all the students until her eyes landed on me for a few seconds before she moved on. I smirked at the obvious reason. "Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?" Blake slammed her book down as she stared wide-eyed at Glynda, I notice the bags under her eyes as it's obvious that she hasn't been getting any sleep. I sighed as I made a mental note to talk to her soon. "You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you—"

A hand raised in between the students as I looked on and saw that it was- who was he again? Mer- Merc- M- Mercury! Yeah, the one with the metal legs. Wait, this could be fun.

Mercury: "I'll do it."

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually, I wanna fight. . . her."

Mercury pointed to Pyrrha. I looked on in amusement as it was clear that his reason was to gauge her strength, I thought for a while until an idea popped into my head as I couldn't help but grin.

Pyrrha: "Me?"

Glynda: "I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner."

Pyrrha: "No, it's fine! I'd be hap—"

(Y/N): "I'll do it." I said as Glynda turned around and looked at me in surprise before her posture returned.

Glynda: "Y-you will? Is there a reason?" She said, stammering at first due to her surprise.

(Y/N): "I've been itching for a fight, haven't had fun in a while."

Glynda: "Okay then, Miss Nikos please take your seat."

Pyrrha: "Oh. . Okay." She said as she started walking down and I walked up to the arena.

Third Person POV

(Y/N) stood on the opposite end of the arena from Mercury as the silver-head glared at him, (Y/N) responded with a grin that clearly said 'Is someone gonna cry because they didn't get what they wanted?'. Glynda stepped back as she looked at the two of them.

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