Chapter 39

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

Weiss: "What!? You left him!? Why!?" Weiss asked her sister in a panic as Winter was leading everyone away from the location, as she was ordered by (Y/N).

Winter: "The order was given by (Y/N), I am merely following them." She says in a calm voice, though she was also worried for his safety.

Yang: "We have to go back! What if he needs us!?"

Winter: "He's much stronger than all of us combined, if he has ordered us to retreat, it means whatever was there is too strong for us to fight." She said as she slashed down branches and leaves to provide a better view and movement.

Blake: "But was it okay to leave him back there?"

Winter: "I do not know, though if it's a fight, (Y/N) won't be losing." She said before they finally reached an open area.

Ruby: "What do we do?"

Winter: "Gather wood, we're making camp here. (Y/N) should be catching up any time now. Ms. Xiao Long will get wood for the fire, Ms. Belladonna will climb the trees to keep a lookout for movement, Ms. Rose and Weiss will prep up the sleeping bags accompanied by me. After we've completed our duties, we will aid our nearest partner." She ordered as everyone scattered to get supplies.

Yang went to punch down trees for wood, Blake climbed the trees to keep a lookout for movement, Ruby and Weiss started to lay down the sleeping bags as Winter used her glyphs to form a barrier around the camp.

After a few minutes, everything was completed as all the girls were standing at the camp with anxious faces as Winter kept looking around for movement and Blake was on top of a nearby tree doing the same.

Winter: "Do you see anything?" She yelled up to Blake.

Blake: "Not as of ye-" She was cut off by the sound of a gunshot being heard by everyone, startling them.

Winter: "Ms. Belladonna, get down here!" She urged her to come down as Blake followed and jumped off the tree and landed next to the group.

Yang: "Just what is going on here!?"

Winter: "The cause is unknown, though our main priority is to hold down the fort and wait for (Y/N)." She said as she thought back to the look on (Y/N)'s face when he ordered her to retreat, his face expression was serious, unlike what she had previously encountered.

More gunshots were heard, this time closer to the girls location, everyone unsheathed their weapons and got into formation as they kept their guard up. The gunshots were heard again, though this time a roar could also be heard. The girls were starting to get frightened as Winter felt cold sweat running down her neck, though they didn't lose their focus.

Suddenly, they heard leaves rustling in front of them, they changed their formation to surround the area from which the sounds came from, they stared into the pitch-black forest as they held their weapons tightly when an Ursa jumped out in front of them with a roar, startling them. The Ursa roared before charging at them, the group was about to charge when they witnessed a sword impaling the charging Ursa from above, they looked up to see (Y/N) on the tree above the Ursa as he had thrown the sword at it.

He leaped off the tree before landing on the Ursa, he then grabbed the sword and pulled it out before slicing its head off. The Ursa's head slid off of its body as (Y/N) jumped off of the collapsing body, landing in front of the wide eyed Team RWBY and startled Winter as his back was facing them. He turned around to look at them before he waved at them.

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