Chapter 32

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Yo ✌🏼

                                                                          (Y/N) POV

It's been a few hours since my fight with the demon and now I have to deal with four girls who won't stop pestering me about it. I've told them many times that they don't need to know, or that it's personal, but they won't listen. How stubborn are they?

Yang: "Come on! Tell us!" Yang pestered me for the tenth time in the last hour to tell her the full reason of the fight.

Me: "I already told you, you don't need to know." I told her for the eleventh time, that they don't need to know.

Blake: "We want answers! What was that thing? Why was it attacking you? How did it get into Beacon?" She's doing nothing but elaborating on what they want to know, how persistent can they be? They should become news-reporters instead.

Me: "Why do you even want to know? It has nothing to do with you." I spoke with a clearly irritated tone in my voice, for some reason the way they're trying to 'interrogate' me, really gets on my nerves.

Weiss: "Of course it has something to do with us! That. . thing, attacked Ruby!" Weiss tried to reason that the demon attacked them, even though Ruby shot first? I don't understand the reasoning behind this.

Me: "I was fighting the demon by myself, it was doing the same, that was until Ruby shot it and even then it didn't go after her!" I tried talking some sense into them to show that their reasoning is flawed, but they ignored it and became even more persistent.

Ruby was still shaken up from what happened and wasn't speaking, she was probably trying to contemplate everything into her head but that wasn't the problem right now. After a few more minutes of them pestering me about the demon, I concluded that it was best if I told them tomorrow, at least it would give me time to think and rest for a bit before having to deal with them again. I told them that I'd come to their dorm tomorrow evening and they surprisingly, agreed almost immediately. Are they that eager to know? I sighed out of relief that I was able to shake them but I still have to deal with Summer, hopefully she can understand it.

I teleport to the dorm where I see Est laying on the bed, she must've gone to sleep so she doesn't blow up the academy. . . . good thinking I'll get her some chocolates for that, my sight then moves to see a shaken Summer nervously twiddling her fingers until she spots me, her eyes seem to brighten up as she zooms over to me, I see her spread her arms for which I assume is going to be a hug, oh no. . I'm too exhausted for this. I immediately stop some of the link between me and Summer, causing her power to fall drastically, making her phase through me, as soon as she passes through me, I return the link which makes Summer dive into the door, hitting her head in the process.

(Y/N): "Glad to see you're doing okay." I sarcastically remarked at the event as Summer gets up while rubbing a bump on her head.

Summer: "Ow. . ." She said while rubbing her head, I sigh and walk towards the bed before sitting on it.

(Y/N): "Don't be baby, come on." I tried to take her mind off of her injury, but she wasn't listening. Why does everyone around me have a thick-head? I then started thinking on what can I do to brighten up Summer's mood, after a few seconds an idea sprung up, but it wasn't a very good one. . . for me at least.

I sighed as I called out to Summer and then pat my lap. She didn't seem to understand at first, but she finally understood what I was trying to say and practically teleported over to me, she jumped on top of the bed before she laid down while resting her head on top of my lap. She then started. . . Crying? But it seemed like it was a 2D stream of blue going down her face while her eyes were all. . bubbly.

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