Chapter 9

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

Team RWBY and JNPR were in their combat outfits and had all their weapons for the fight against (Y/N), while (Y/N) was making popcorn for Est to watch.

Weiss: "Are you seriously making popcorn!?"

(Y/N): "It's going to be an action scene, there has to be popcorn! Be happy that I'm not bringing any drinks!"

Weiss: "Ugh!"

Weiss then storms off, unable to answer.

Est: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Hmm?"

Est: "Can I hit her?"

(Y/N): "Your definition of 'hit' is torture, so no."

Est: "Aww."

(Y/N): "I'm making popcorn for you, be happy."

Est: "Okay."

(Y/N) then makes his way towards the middle of the arena where the teams are.

(Y/N): "Are ya ready kids!?"

Jaune: "No."

(Y/N): "Spoilsport."

(Y/N): "Okay! Now there are a few things I have to tell you."

Both teams focus at (Y/N), waiting for what he has to say.

(Y/N): "Since all of your training is now in my hands, I will be forcing you to your limits, do not hold back—"

Yang: "I wasn't planning to hold bac—"

(Y/N): "——or you will die."

Yang: "Huh?"

Weiss: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "This is a trial lesson, so I'll be going easy on you all, but if you do not live up to my expectations, you'll die. No exceptions."

Blake: 'How can he say that so nonchalantly? It's as if he's killed before.'

(Y/N): "Now that you all know what you're getting into, let's start."

(Y/N): "You all will be fighting me individually in a sense for each of us to see how strong is the other. Who wants to go first?"

The students murmur a bit, them having their doubts, a hand then rises up.

Ruby: "Me! Me! Pick me!"

(Y/N): "Come then."

Ruby: "Yay!"

Ruby then speeds towards the arena and gets in her stance.

(Y/N): 'That stance. . . She was right.'

Ruby: "Ready?"

(Y/N): "Go!"

Ruby speeds towards (Y/N), scythe aimed at his chest, she then swings her scythe after getting close enough, but her scythe is then caught by (Y/N).

(Y/N): "A bit too straight forward."

He pulls on the scythe then grabs Ruby and throws her. Ruby slams the scythe into the ground to recover.

Ruby: "Bad move!"

She turns her scythe into its sniper form and shoots at (Y/N), he responds by dodging the bullets while running towards her.

Ruby: 'When he gets close I'll switch and strike him.'

Moments before (Y/N) reaches Ruby's position, she transforms 'Crescent Rose' back into its scythe position and swings, as the swing was about to connect with (Y/N), he disappears.

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