Chapter 54

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Yo ✌🏼

It's been five days since Yang had started her training to control her semblance. Her progress had increased tremendously, so much so even (Y/N) was a little surprised.

"From twenty-three minutes to forty-five in a span of five days, eh? I'm impressed." He says as he looks at the timer. "You're sure you didn't cheat?"

"Is that your way of complimenting someone who's working hard?" Yang pouts.

"No, maybe the timer is just broken. I'll give you a new one." He replies before getting bonked on the head by Yang as well as Summer. "Fine, I'll praise you. . Good girl." He rolls his eyes before patting Yang's head, causing her to blush slightly while Summer pouts.

"You don't give me pats when I complete my training."

"That's because you're a grown woman.'

"That's no excuse not to praise me! Plus, compared to you, I might as well not be born yet!"

"How am I supposed to praise someone who isn't even born yet?"

"Find a way!"

"Fine, fine. I'll praise you when you complete your next training."

"Umm, (Y/N)? My head's starting to hurt." Yang says slowly, (Y/N) notices and immediately takes his hand off her head.

"Sorry, Yang, there's just this headache bothering me."

"This 'headache' wouldn't be there if you praised me!"

"Sheesh. . I said I'd do it next time."


"Such troublesome girls. ." (Y/N) mutters as he yawns. "Speaking of which. I should check on the others too. . . Ruby and the others are with Est and Qrow, so they shouldn't be in problems they can't handle. Weiss should be in Atlas, guarded by security. . Then there's Blake. Hmm. . Considering that she ran after the fall and being horrified by Adam's presence. . She should be on a 'self-searching' voyage. . Meaning she's going someplace she feels safe, but where?" He starts thinking of all the places Blake could be. "Ah, that's right. What other safe place than your home?"


Weiss walks alone in the hallway before she has a startling reaction to hearing her brother's voice coming from behind her.

"Good afternoon, sister." A teenage boy, somewhat younger than Weiss, stands before her. He bows. "A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change."

"Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today."

"Klein made crepes for breakfast." He clasps his hands behind his back and smirks at her.

"What do you want?"

"I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier."

"Mother?" She asks, looking down slightly.

"No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man." Weiss looks up at him on this. "I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you."

"I'll be fine."

"I know you will. You are strong, like Winter." Weiss looks at him suspiciously.

"You never liked Winter."

"True, but you can't deny her resolve." Another sentence she never expected to hear from her brother.

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