Chapter 11

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N), Summer and Est were walking through the halls of Beacon towards their class as they encountered many students murmuring in their way.

Random Student: *whispering* "Is that him?"

Random Student (2): *whispering* "Yeah, I heard he's sent eight students to the infirmary."

Random Student (3): *whispering* "I heard that most of the students were girls."

Random Student (4): *whispering* "Yeah, it was Team RWBY and JNPR."

Random Student: *whispering* "What!? They're the top students! This guy's a monster."

Random Student (2): *whispering* "I also heard that he's killed others before."

As the rumours were spreading and getting worse, (Y/N) kept on walking without even looking at them, while Est was glaring at every student who came across them.

Summer: "(Y/N)? Do you hear what they're saying about you?"

(Y/N): "Of course I do, I just don't care."

Summer: "Oh. Okay. But I still don't like that they're spreading rumours about you."

(Y/N): "They're people who don't even know what happened, besides they're not wrong. I sent eight students to the infirmary and I've killed before coming here."

Summer: "But. . . ."

(Y/N): "Ignore them Summer, don't let people who don't even know about you bring you down. I didn't even know they existed until the rumours spread."

Summer: "Okay. . ."


In every class (Y/N) was in, all the students would stare at him while staying away from him, they would even curse at him in whispers while others who wanted to assert dominance or show off cursed at him without lowering their voices. Eventually the rumours reached Team RWBY and JNPR.

Ruby: "Hey guys! Where's (Y/N)?"

Yang: "I don't know, he's probably in a class, let's try to find him in recess!"

Ruby: "Yeah!"

A group of students then approach the two teams.

Student (1): "Hey are you guys alright?"

Ruby: "Huh? Oh yeah. . . We're fine, but. . . why are you asking us?"

Student (2): "It's because you guys were sent to the infirmary, right?"

Yang: "Huh? How'd you guys know?"

Student (3): "A few students saw you all being taken to the infirmary, and some saw you guys getting beat up by that guy."

Weiss: "We didn't get beat up!? Who said that?!"

Student (2): "You all were sent to the infirmary by the leader of Team DEMN, we even heard about him, everyone's calling him a delinquent."

Blake: "No, it was just a training session. He isn't a delinquent."

Student (1): "You don't need to cover for him, we're here for you. We'll make sure he's expelled!"

Yang: "What are you saying!? It was just a training session!!"

A male student from the group then moves questionably closer to Yang.

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