Chapter 44

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Yo ✌🏼

(So the results of the previous poll are mostly 'Yes', so I guess that's that. I didn't want to do this Tai, but this is for all the puns you've made. Oh and also Raven is also in the 'thing' now automatically. So yeah, that's that. Enjoy.)

Third Person POV

(Y/N) opens his eyes to see the ceiling of his dorm room, he blinks for a few seconds as he slowly remembers the past events before looking down to see Est cuddling him as she slept, the blankets covering both of their bodies as her head was the only part visible.

(Y/N) smiled before he slowly got up from the bed to see Summer sitting on the other bed with her eyes closed, she was meditating. (Y/N) ignored her and continued on as he walked into the washroom and performed his usual routine, it wasn't until he was completely ready that he had noticed that the time showed twelve in the afternoon.

(Y/N): "Guess we overslept, huh?" He thought to himself before hearing someone yawn, he turned to see Est rising as she yawned sleepily.

Est: "Huh. . Oh (Y/N). . . Good Morning. ." She said sleepily as she yawned.

(Y/N): "Good morning, Est. I believe you slept well?"

Est: "Very much, haven't been able to sleep like this in years."

(Y/N): "Then I suppose you're ready to get up?" He said while putting his hands on his hips.

Est: "No. . Five more minutes. . You go on. ." She said tiredly before laying back down on the bed, shortly after, her soft snores were heard. (Y/N) shook his head with a smile before letting her be and walking to Summer, who was still meditating. He nudged her softly which made her open her eyes and look up to him.

(Y/N): "Good morning."

Summer: "Oh, (Y/N). When did you wake up?"

(Y/N): "A while ago, I figured that I'll leave you be until I was ready."

Summer: "Oh, nice. So what're we doing?"

(Y/N): "We're just going to be roaming around. See if we can find something fun to do. Speaking of, I think it's time you start fighting."

Summer: "Huh? But don't I need more power?"

(Y/N): "Oh don't worry, I'll be giving you enough power to fight, think of it as training for the upcoming battles."

Summer: "Oh. . Alright then." She said before hopping off the bed and following (Y/N) out the door.


(Y/N): "Too slow! Again!" He said as he stood before an exhausted Summer next to a wooden sword.

Summer: "I. . forgot how. . hard it was. . to train." She spoke between breaths as (Y/N) walked up to her.

(Y/N): "You've just gotten rusty, we need to shake the rust off. We've been practicing for two hours now, we'll continue this everyday until you are able to get a hit on me. . Now grab the sword and strike!" He yelled before summoning his own wooden sword and moving into a stance.

Summer tiredly picked up the wooden sword lying next to her before rushing at (Y/N) with a battle cry, she jumped up and went for an overhead strike but (Y/N) side stepped her before kicking her away.

(Y/N): "You don't have powers to fly yet, staying in the air does nothing if the opponent can see you." He said as Summer got back up.

Summer: "You're setting the bar too high!" She complained before grabbing her sword and rushing towards him.

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