Chapter 36

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Third Person POV

Mercury: "Let me get the bastard!!" He yells as Emerald holds him back with her illusions, while Cinder watches his struggles to break free from Emerald's illusions. "I'll kill him!!"

Cinder: "There is no such need for that." She says calmly with closed her eyes before her eye lids open to show her glowing eyes. "Besides, if you wouldn't have lost so pathetically, you might've still maintained your pride." She says in a commanding tone, Mercury turns to glare at her but is met by Cinder in front of him wit her eyes glowing in a menacing way while she raised her hand to show that it was on fire. Mercury hesitantly looked down but was still grumbling. Cinder rolled her eyes. "Moving on, what information did you get about him?" She asked as she walked towards the desk and sat on a chair. Mercury didn't seem to respond for a few seconds until he looked up at Cinder.

Mercury: ". . . The bastard was strong, he played me like a damn rat! He knows about my legs." He said causing Emerald's eyes to widen a bit, while Cinder took an interested pose and signalled him to continue. Mercury took a few breaths before continuing. "He used my moves against me, it was as if he knew what I was about to do before I even thought about them, he also showed many openings which I thought was him being an idiot, but every single of my instincts told me to run, the second he would look at me my instincts would go haywire. . ." He said while looking down ashamed as Cinder seemed to be in deep thoughts, Emerald then spoke up.

Emerald: "What the mistress said was true, we shouldn't fight him." This earned her Cinder's attention as the woman glared at her, unnerving Emerald as she looked down. Cinder looked at her for a few seconds before talking.

Cinder: "Explain." She said, Emerald looked up in excitement but it soon died down as she noticed that she was still being glared at.

Emerald: ". . I used my illusions to help Mercury during the fight, which seemed to confuse him a little but he seemed to notice what was happening and somehow knew." She said, her voice filled with uncertainty as she tried to figure out how he knew. "He even knew that I was the one who showed them to him." Cinder hummed as she dived back into her thoughts as the other two looked at each other anxiously. Cinder then lifted her head up as she looked at them with a commanding tone and aura surrounding her.

Cinder: "Stay as far away from him as you can, but keep an eye on him, he may be a nuisance to our plans. As for the world-renowned fighter, we'll just have to deal with her when the time comes." She said as the other two nod at her before leaving, after they left Cinder looked down and seemed to think to herself for a while before mumbling to herself. "If he's with her, my plan might not be as successful, I have to take him out of the picture." She said before getting lost in her thoughts.


Team RWBY is seen in the dance hall as Ruby is seen resting her head on her hand while sitting at one of the tables in the room, Weiss then approaches her as she puts down two tablecloths with similar colours as Ruby looks at her confused.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth." She says smiling as she slides two squares over to Ruby, both seeming to be similar shades of white.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?" She says in a confused tone as Weiss sighs in frustration.

Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked!" Weiss walks out of the scene as Yang comes in carrying a massive sound speaker on her shoulder.

Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"

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