Chapter 51

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Yo ✌🏼

Hazel: "My Queen! What is the meaning of this!? Cinder has betrayed us?" He and Watts followed after Salem, who walked through the halls of her castle.

Watts: "Y- yes! And that man! He claims he had been working with you over the years! Please inform us!" Salem turns back to the two abruptly. They quickly stop in their tracks.

Salem: "Leave me be. Carry on with your work."

Hazel: "B- but- !" Salem glares at them.

Salem: "Will I have to repeat myself?" Hazel closes his mouth.

Hazel: "I. . apologise, my Queen. We will not trouble you with our presence any longer." The two reluctantly go back the way they came. Salem lets out a breath before remembering a meeting she had with (Y/N) a few months ago.


Sat on her throne, Salem surveys the area around her castle from the eyes of a Grimm. A portal opens in the middle of her throne room. She lets out a 'hmm?' as she gazes at the portal before observing (Y/N) emerge from it.

Salem: "(Y/N)? Greeti-"

(Y/N): "Cut the small talk Salem, I'm not in a mood for that. I'm here for answers."

Salem: 'He doesn't seem happy. .' "Yes, what are your questions?" He glares at Salem as if analysing her posture before his own relaxes.

(Y/N): "Do you have any idea what you subordinates have been up to in the past few days?"

Salem: ". . I have entrusted them with the goals. However, the means they use to reach them is not something I have been tracking." (Y/N) takes in her answer before sighing, he pinches the bridge of his nose.

(Y/N): "Salem. . you truly are a foolish little girl." She frowns, about to retort but abstains.

Salem: "I do not understand." (Y/N) looks at her in annoyance.

(Y/N): "I had informed you when I first came here that I was here to kill a being, did I not?" Salem nods hesitantly. "I then informed you on our second meeting that the being I came here to kill was a dragon, did I not?" She responds with a 'Yes.' (Y/N) sighs again, "Then why would you not keep track of your followers to ensure they do not come into contact with such a being?" A wave of realisation hits Salem as she starts to understand what (Y/N) was implying.

Salem: ". . Do you have evidence?" (Y/N) sighs again, shaking his head before he pulls out a scroll and tosses it onto the ground in front of Salem. A hologram from it appears in front of her.

The hologram shows the fight between RWBY and the paladin which Roman Torchwick controlled from the view of a security camera. After the paladin is defeated, the blue glow which enveloped the robot appears as the limbs of the machine reattach themselves before it starts a short-lived rampage of its own before being cut down by (Y/N).

Salem: "Could this not be a new technology built by Atlas?"

(Y/N): "I asked the General of the city about it. He answered such a power doesn't exist yet, the aura I had felt from the machine had a similar energy wavelength of the dragon I'm after. . How many of your followers currently reside in Vale?"

Salem: "Just one. . Cinder Fall, though she does have subordinates of her own."

(Y/N): "Her, huh? She always seemed to be the power-hungry type; if I'm not mistaken she bears half the power of the Fall Maiden?"

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