Chapter 46

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Yo ✌🏼

Ruby's POV

I open my eyes to see darkness. I blink before looking around to see nothing here, I must be dreaming then.

Ruby: "What a weird dream. . Oh well, at least it wasn't about Yang eating all of my cookies, that was a nightmare." I shivered as I remembered my dream. When I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

???: "Ruby Rose." I yelped before turning around to see a. . . light blue ball?

Ruby: "Huh? What?" I looked around to see the same darkness instead of anyone else before hearing the same voice from the glowing ball.

???: "I've been waiting for you."

Ruby: "Me?"

???: "Yes, I'll cut right to the chase. I am here to warn you." I got confused at this. Warn me? About what?

???: "You're probably wondering why I am warning you. . You, Ruby Rose, have a power no other possesses, you will find out about your power in time, but moving on. Listen carefully."

Ruby: "Oo. . kay?" I didn't know what this. . ball was warning me about, but it could be important.

???: "Good. . Now this may come as a surprise, I need you to be weary of (Y/N) (L/N)." Huh? (Y/N)? Why? What does he have to do with this?

???: "You're probably wondering why I would say that. . Truth is, (Y/N) (L/N) isn't human. . nor Faunus."

Ruby: "What!? What do you mean?!"

???: ". . He is a demon, a being of darkness that will destroy anything in its path. He is here to destroy Remnant and everyone who inhabits it."

Ruby: "What are you saying!? (Y/N) isn't that type of person!"

???: "That is what he wants you to think. He never lies, if you were to ask him straightforward, he will say the truth. You saw what he fought many days ago, didn't you?" I was confused at their words, when an image flashed into my mind.

 You saw what he fought many days ago, didn't you?" I was confused at their words, when an image flashed into my mind

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My eyes widened when I saw the same creature (Y/N) fought a month ago.

Ruby: ". . . T- that was a demon?"

???: "Precisely, and a weak one at that. . (Y/N) (L/N) is infinitely stronger than that specimen." I was shocked as I had almost been killed by that. . thing, and (Y/N)'s much stronger than that?

???: "Do you see my point? He can destroy all of your friends in an instant. I suggest you be prepared for the minute he strikes." I start thinking for a reason to why (Y/N) would do this, but I couldn't find any.

Ruby: ". . If he's that strong. . why doesn't he kill us now?"

???: ". . ."

Ruby: ". . Hello?"

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