Chapter 16

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) wakes up with a jolt, covers his mouth and runs towards the washroom, he started vomiting blood in the sink as Est and Summer notice this and knock on the door.

Est: "(Y/N)!? (Y/N)! Are you okay?"

(Y/N): *coughs* "I- I'm fine, just. . . a *coughs* stomach ache." *takes a deep breath* "I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute."

Est: ". . Okay."

Est then walks away slowly, half her mind wanting to burst through the door to check on him, and half her mind wanting to respect his privacy. Summer, being Ruby's mother, phases through the door to check on (Y/N). But all she notices is a metallic smell in the air and a bit of smoke in the sink.

Summer: "What are you doing? Are you okay?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. . . I'm fine. Moreover, I would appreciate you not barging in."

Summer: ". . . . Technically I phased through the door, I didn't barge in, so it doesn't count."

(Y/N) just sighs in response while shaking his head. He then washes his face and gets out, where Est had been anxiously sitting.her eyes set on (Y/N) and her tense face turns into a happy one aa she bolts across the room, slamming into (Y/N) making both of them fall on the floor, and nuzzled into his chest.

Est: "You had me worried!"

(Y/N): "I know, I'm sorry, but slamming into me while I have a stomach ache to take revenge doesn't sound like a good idea."

Est: "Sorry."

(Y/N): "No problem, I think you've fixed my stomach ache, actually."

Est then stands up and pulls (Y/N) up.

(Y/N): *sighs* "Both of you better get ready now, the fight's in 2 hours."

Summer: "Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

(Y/N): "It was 2 days ago, I guess your age is catching up to you."

Summer's 'teehee' face turns to confusion before turning into anger.

Summer: "What. Did. You. Just. Say!?"

(Y/N): "I said your age is probably catching up to you, the fact that you just asked me what I said shows proof."

Summer then jumps at (Y/N) but phases through him, she tries again with the same result.

Summer: "UGH!! Why cat I hit you!?"

(Y/N): "Part of your soul's power comes from mine, I stop the flow of power, you'll return to the power you had 8 years ago."

Summer's face turns to confusion then irritation as she frowns.

(Y/N): "Hoh? Your face is starting to wrinkle." *grins*

Summer: "AGHHHHHH!!! (YYYYYY///NNNNNN)!!!"

Timeskip with Summer trying to hit (Y/N) but phasing through him.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry alright, didn't think age mattered that much to you."

Summer: "Hmph! You have to give me lots of cookies if you want me to forgive you."

(Y/N): "Fine, fine, I'll give you cookies."

Summer: "You better!"

The trio make their way to the arena as they see a crowd of students waiting in the stands. (L/F/H) waiting in the ring, wearing heavy armor and a sword. He was swinging the sword but as his eyes set on (Y/N), he whimpered a bit before his face turned to one of pride and he smirked at him.

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