Chapter 47

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) and Summer were walking to their next class as Summer attempted to scold (Y/N).

Summer: "Why'd you do that!?"

(Y/N): "Kiba."

Summer: "Kiba who!? That boy is Shiro-something! Not Kiba-something!"

(Y/N): "Aahh my dear Summer, that's what he wants you to think! When he came to this world, he changed everything about him! Poor Kiba, all of that just to have a rematch with me. ."

Summer: ". . Okay now you're just doing it for fun."

(Y/N): ". . Yea, that's right." He said with a goofy look, making Summer pinch the bridge of her nose.

Summer: "I should've known, but did you seriously think that was someone you know from another world?!"

(Y/N): "When I first saw the boy, I thought he was actually the person I know. Then I remembered that his power isn't enough to come here so yeah, I did it just for the heck of it."

Summer: ". . That's demonic."

(Y/N): "I am a demon, what about it?"

Summer: "Nothing. Just thought since you have personal problems with that, so I thought you wouldn't be so accepting of your blood."

(Y/N): "Those shows are getting to your head aren't they?"

Summer: ". . Maybe."

(Y/N): "Of course they are, I had accepted my blood ages ago. . Plus, they do have cool powers, honestly its pretty fun."

Summer: "As always your desire for 'fun' stays at the top."

(Y/N): "What can I say? I have my priorities straight." He said while shrugging, making Summer giggle.

Summer opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by a familiar blonde boy jumping in front of them, a mysterious spotlight shined upon Shiro as he struck a pose.

Shiro: "Behold! The beauty of humanity is upon you. Look upon my existence and rejoice! I am the blessing of Monty Oum!" He said as he made poses while speaking with a rose in his hand.

(Y/N): / Summer: ". . Huh?" / ". . What?"

Female Students that mysteriously appeared: "Kiyah!! Shiro-sama!! We love you!!" (End my suffering)

Shiro: "You all get it my cute babies!!" He yelled to them as he struck another pose, causing the other girls to cheer louder.

(Y/N): ". . You do know that as a third-year student, you're probably hitting on minors right?" Everything seemed to go silent as (Y/N) looked to Shiro to see him sweating profusely, Summer burst into laughter as she tried to compose herself but failing in doing so, evident by her falling onto the ground on her back while holding her stomach, which of course was only seen and heard by (Y/N). Shiro was then able to compose himself and struck another pose.

Shiro: "You win this round! But we shall see how you fare against me in a fight! We shall fight tomorrow after classes! Until then! Farewell first-year! And farewell, my babies!" He said before blowing a kiss and running off, followed by the female students as they cheered for him, eventually (Y/N) and Summer were the only ones left, Summer was still on the ground, laughing her head off while (Y/N) just looked at her awkwardly.

(Y/N): ". . Are you okay? I've never seen you laugh this much before." He said as he crouched down next to Summer.

Summer: "That was wonderful! The look on that guy's face! It was hilarious! I think I'm going to pee!" She cried out as she kicked her feet repeatedly in the air as her laughter echoed in (Y/N)'s head.

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