Chapter 4

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》》Jason Dutton《《

I put the weight down and grabbed my towel.

"You go to gym to create this beautiful body but you don't even bother showing it off. What's wrong with you?" Roxy complemented.

"I'm heading for a quick shower."

After the shower Roxy and I headed home arguing on the way.

"No! That's not how it works dumbass!" she exclaimed.

"Ok, smartass you tell me how it works!"

"Look, if want to make the perfect lasagne you should never overcook the lasagne sheets, you're not even supposed to cook it just soak it until it's soft. Simple."

"And what if I do?"

"Well, you just gonna have a mush!"

I rolled my eyes as we made our way into the apartment building. I opened the door for her then followed inside.

"So what time we leaving to meet our buyer?" Roxy asked.

"Around seven, we'll go to the mansion round six to ensure everything is in place and everyone is on the same page. You're going in with Calvin to ensure he does a good job," I stated.

I dropped on the couch and switched on the tv.

"At seven huh?" Roxy took away the remont from me. She sat on top of me as she sighed, "We got plenty of time."

"Roxy, please...I'm in no mood," I tried to argue while she massaged my shoulders.

"I know, there's no way I'm gonna finally turn you on but you turn me on and I can't just stay like this!" she said gliding her hand under my shirt so she was touching my bare skin with her freezing hands.

She pulled up by shirt and said, "You don't even show off your damn sexy abs or your defined pecs."

I picked her up, got on my feet and put her on the floor stating sternly, "No!"

"I swear, when they created you what did they use? You have no hormones honestly!"

I left her to continue with her yapping and went to my room.


I adjusted my tie as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I groaned in dissatisfaction and took it off deciding to not wear it at all.

Tonight, Roxy, Jack and I were going to be supervising Calvin on his first time taking care of business on is own. Selling a few heavy guns to one of our buyers.

Roxy would be at his side in the VIP section of the club while Jack and I will just be chilling around the bar somewhere.

I went down to the kitchen where I saw Jack.

"Hey brother, you ready?"

He didn't answer and that's when I knew something was up.

"You alright brother?" I asked laying my hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head no. He took a deep breath.

"Will you be alright for tonight?"

He nodded.

"What happened?"

"I'm done fighting...fighting for someone who doesn't want you."

At that moment I knew exactly who he was talking about.

Tyler Furry. Yes, our getaway driver and Jack were dating, that was until she thought Jack was cheating when actually he wasn't. Jack was always a player, but ever since Tyler came into his life those days were over.

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