Chapter 42

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I sighed and watched as Jason went upstairs. "Well, thanks y'all, you can go and lets call it a night."

Everyone but Tyler and Calvin left.

I looked at Calvin, "Dont you have a family you needa get back to?"

Calvin sighed, "My momma kicked me out, so I've been living here."

"Why?" Tyler asked.

"She said I needa be a man and quit livin' under her roof," Calvin stated.

"And you didn't tell me?" I said.

"I told Jason."

"You kinda replaced CJ, you know that?" I stated remembering the young man that lost his life at the hands of George.

"How?" Calvin asked.

"He was just like you. A young man, he became good friends with Jason and I, we would always chill together, kinda like we do with you. He was an orphan and Jason and I called him our brother. We were the only family he had."

"What happened to him?" Calvin asked.

"George wanted Jason to suffer, so he kidnapped them both, and Jason had to watch as they killed him horrifically, limb by limb. Used a chainsaw to chop of an arm and a leg, before they took out an eye and then a bullet to the head. All because Jason didn't agree.

"We stopped doing business with them and Jason swore to get revenge. What I don't get is why he won't do the same now."

"He's in too much pain. You say it yourself sometimes. He's been through hell and back. Now he lost his reason live so why would he even bother. Give him time," Calvin stated.

I sighed. "Well, you should go get some rest Calvin."

"Good night," he said before heading upstairs.

I sat on the couch and Tyler sat next me. "I really hope Jason comes around, George just can't get away with it."

"Jack, we have to give him time," she sighed.

"But we have no time, we are down to six. Six! George is not gonna rest till Jason is all alone. Six of us left Tyler, you, me, Calvin, Phantom, Master Mind and Jason. Who knows who's next on the guy's list." Just then my phone started ringing.

"Phantom is calling," I sighed. I picked up the call, "Talk to me."

"Jack, I need you man," Phantom said sounding like he was in pain.

"Where you at?" I asked getting on my feet.

"Just down the street, I'm bleeding!"

"I'm on my way, hang on."

I hung up and ran out Tyler close behind me.

I ran down the street and saw Phantom laying on the pavement bleeding from multiple places.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"A few guys... they stabbed me everywhere... they came with a message for Jason. Th-they said... No one messes with the Diable Cartel and gets away with it, and the chess player is down to four pieces..."

"Hold on, were not losing you today," I urged.

"It was great knowing y'all. And tell Jason, it was a... a privilege to work for him."

"Phantom! Don't- wake up! Fuck!! He's dead. Tyler he's dead. We don't have time, what if one of us is next, then what?" I yelled.

I looked at my girlfriend who stated blankly at our friend. I got up and helped her onto her feet before pulling her into a hug.

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