Chapter 41

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She caressed my cheek as tears began to roll down her face. "I heard what happened. I tried to ignore it, I really did, I just couldn't let you go through this alone."

"Adrian, please Adrian," I sat up, "please stay, don't leave me, stay with me, please," I pleaded as my tears raced down my face.

"Five minutes!" the guard standing outside said.

"Jason. Jason listen to me," she soothed wiping my tears unable to hold back her own, "I don't wanna hurt you. I believe you are a strong man, and you will get through this, but I can't- I can't do this with you. My life is in Bedford, my life is with Arthur."

"No, no, no Adrian, no-"

"You'll be fine Jason," she cried.

"No I won't! I've got nothing to live for! Nothing! If you leave me again I swear I'll kill myself!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

"No Jason, don't do that-" she pleaded.

"I will Adrian!"

"Jason, I'm doing this to protect you. I'm doing this cause I love you Jason. I love you."

"Then why won't you stay?" I enquired confused.

"Because I'm dying, I'm dying inside out and I don't wanna kill you," she cried wiping her tears. "Trust me, you'll be with your son very soon, but I need to be alone with him, so I can give him all the love I got, just like I did with you."

"But Adrian-"

"Two minutes!" the guard called.

"Jason listen to me, you have to go on. You have to move on-" she wiped my tears.

"No, no, no, no. No!" I yelled interrupting her.

"Jason, please, just please, move on. Don't worry about me. Just forget me."

"How do I forget the love of my life?!"

"I know its hard but I need you to, you have to-"

"But I don't want to!"

"But you have to Jason. You have to."


"I have to go now, please, don't do anything stupid, please don't worry about me, please move on, and please, for the love of God, don't kill yourself," she pleaded.

"Adrian? Adrian! Don't leave me!" I called as Adrian left the cell.

"I love you Jason," she cried as the guard locked the cell.

"Adrian no!" She left. "Adrian!! No!! Come back!!! Adrian!!!"


"Adrian no!" More tears raced down my cheeks as I walked away.

"Adrian!! No!!" I started running as my heart cracked and more and more tears raced down my cheeks.

"Come back!!! Adrian!!!"

I ran out the station and stopped at a tree where I burst into tears. I cried, I just cried so hard, I felt like my heart was going to burst. I cried till my head starting aching, till my chest was tight and it got harder and harder to breathe.

I weakly made my way to Melvin's car. I took a deep breath before I got inside.

"How'd it go?" Melvin asked.

I wiped my tears and took deep breaths before saying, "Could you just take me home? Please?"

He sighed and started the car engine.

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