Chapter 9

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》》Jason Dutton《《

I woke up finding myself in the study with my feet up. I got on my feet with my lower back aching. I went to my room to check on Adrian. I knocked on the door.

I heard no answer so I knocked again.

No answer once again.

I walked inside to see her still fast asleep diagonally across my bed.

I smiled and walked up to her. I picked up the clock and set an alarm for a minute from then. I put it down and waited.

A moment later the alarm went off. She jolted up at the sound of the trumpet sound bursting throughout the room.

I cracked into laughter seeing her reaction. She stopped it and jumped out of bed hitting my back.

"What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry, but that was hilarious," I laughed.

She glanced at the time and gasped, "Oh shit. I have to go!"

"What why?"

"My father will be back around ten and I have some cleaning to do and other shit like that," she stated with panick in her voice.

I looked at the time and suggested, "How about I help you? I mean we still got an hour, and four hands are better than two."

She smiled. But this smile it was different, it was more caused a great feeling of success. There was no challenge behind it, no sarcasm just pure joy.

"Thank you."


I took a right as she instructed me to do.

"Right there, that's where I live with my dear daddy."

We got out of the car and I looked at the house and its surroundings. Then I realised something.

"Wait, this is where you live?"

"Yeah," she stated. "Why?"

Then I saw her neighbour exiting his house. I looked the other way and begged he wouldn't see me.


'Bullshit he saw me.'

I turned around and sighed.

"What's the matter?" Adrian asked. "And how does my neighbour know you?"

The man approached us saying, "What are you doing here?"

"Daniel, I didn't come to see you. I came for her," I stated dryly gesturing at Adrian who stood beside me.

"Good morning to you Mr Dutton," Adrian greeted.

"Good morning. So you and my son are dating?"

She looked to me.

"Yeah, we are dating," I replied.

He stared at us for a moment and then said, "Well, I see you made a good catch. Keep her safe, wouldn't wanna get into trouble with her father. Well, bye."

Daniel left.

We went inside.

"That's your father?" Adrian asked setting the keys on a table.

"Yup. As you saw we aren't really... close."

She nodded.

"Well, let's not talk about my father, let's get this place in top shape."

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